World Ranking

FIBA distinguishes between a 3×3 Individual Ranking and a Federation Ranking.


The Individual Ranking is an essential ingredient of 3×3. Every player registered with has his/her own ranking, which evolves according to results at FIBA-endorsed events. It allows players to compare their skills with friends, local players and pros from all over the globe.

The FIBA 3×3 Individual World Ranking is calculated based on the 9 best results in FIBA-endorsed events played in the last 12 months. The number of points earned by a player at an event depends on:

  1. The event’s importance in the competition network (ranking color).
  2. The team’s results
  3. The player’s individual scoring and key statistical performance (when recorded)


Click here to find your position in the FIBA 3×3 Individual Ranking.



The FIBA 3×3 Federation Ranking is calculated by adding up the FIBA 3×3 Individual World Ranking points of the Top 25 nationals with a confirmed account. It is calculated daily at 12h00 UTC.

It is the main criterion used to identify the teams qualified to the FIBA 3×3 World Cup and the Olympic Games (open and U-Categories).


Click here to see Luxembourg’s position in the FIBA 3×3 Federation Ranking.


For more information on 3×3 rankings, check out the Ranking Quick Guide and Full Guide here.

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