Amicale steps up in the second half to beat Sparta (videos and stats)

On Tuesday-evening, the first game of the 8th game-day was played in the men’s Total League between Sparta and Amicale. After a balanced first half, Amicale was able to build a lead in the third quarter and finally win the game with a 11-point-advantage.

Sparta – Amicale 71:82
– the game was tied at the break (37:37) behind Feipel’s 16 points in the first 2 quarters.
– Wolff and Feipel combined for 46 points, Mvouika and Tunstall had 43 points combined for the guests
– second win this season for Amicale (2:6), Sparta’s record drops to 1:7
– the game had to be paused between quarter 1 and 2 for around 15 minutes because of technical difficulties on the game-table.
– game stats –> game stats Sparta – Amicale

4 games are on the schedule for Wednesday while 1 game will be played on Thursday.
Preview of the full game-day –> Men’s Total League: Game-day on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday

Par FLBB , le 09/03/2021 à 21:46