Announcement regarding the Total League, Nationale 2 and Nationale 3

English version below

No Récksprooch mat de Clibb huet d`FLBB d’Entscheedung geholl, dass et an der Saison 2020/21 keen Op- an Ofstig wäert ginn an der Total League, Nationale 2, Nationale 3 an Reserve-Ekippen (Dammen an Hären). Des Entscheedung gouf geholl, well eng Reprise vum Championnat an anere Kategorien wéi der Total League de Moment net an Aussicht ass.


After consultations with our clubs, the basketball federation has taken the decision to cancel the promotion and relegation in the 2020/21 season in the Total league, Nationale 2, Nationale 3 and reserve-teams (women and men). This decision has been taken mainly because a restart date for all other categories other than the Total League is not foreseeable at the moment.

Par FLBB , le 30/01/2021 à 08:38