Basket Esch secures 3rd place / Overview of the matchups

On Saturday evening, game day 22 was on the schedule in the men’s LBBL.

Résidence Walfer – AB Contern 81:75
– Résidence gets home court advantage in 4th place with a key victory, Contern falls back to 7th place before the start of the quarter finals

Musel Pikes – Arantia Larochette 86:90
– Arantia jumps to 5th place with this win, Ryan Ogden led his team with 24 points

T71 Dudelange – Kordall Steelers 103:87
– T71 stays in 6th place with this victory, Joshua McFolley led his team with 44 points

Gréngewald Hueschtert – Sparta Bertrange 99:89
– Sparta played without professional players, Gréngewald’s Walley left the game injured after 5 minutes
– The guests will enter the play-offs as the number 8 seed

Basket Esch – Etzella Ettelbruck 86:78
– Esch secures the 3rd place behind 20 points by Clancy Rugg and 5 players in double digits

Mambra Mamer – Amicale Steinsel 96:104
– Kim Aiken Jr and Bob Melcher (23 points each) led Amicale, the team already clinched first place a few weeks ago

The play-off matchups (quarter finals)

The standings after the regular season

Amicale Steinsel 19:3 41
Etzella Ettelbruck 17:5 39
Basket Esch 14:8 36
Résidence Walfer 13:9 35
Arantia Larochette 12:10 34
T71 Dudelange 12:10 34
AB Contern 11:11 33
Sparta Bertrange 10:12 32
Mambra Mamer 8:14 30
Gréngewald Hueschtert 6:16 28
Musel Pikes 5:17 27
Kordall Steelers 5:17 27

The play-down teams

In the women’s LBBL play-offs, game day 3 was on the schedule.

Amicale Steinsel – Les Sangliers Wiltz 96:57
– 5 Amicale-players scored in double digits, Alexia Allesch led her team with 31 points and 18 rebounds
– Amicale led 32:8 after the first quarter and never looked back

T71 Dudelange – Sparta Bertrange 79:69
– T71 has a 1-point lead over Sparta and earns the direct comparison in second place with 2 game days remaining, Dudelange and Bertrange will meet in the semi finals!
– Sparta stromed back in the final quarter but could not take the lead, T71 survived to grab this important victory
– Mia Loyd led Dudelange with 26 points while 5 players scored in double digits for the hosts

Gréngewald Hueschtert – AB Contern 78:62
– Gréngewald remains unbeaten
– Amanda Cahill led the hosts with 25 points

The standings after 3 out of 5 rounds:

Team Record overall Play-off record Points
Gréngewald 19:0 3:0 38
Dudelange 14:5 2:1 33
Bertrange 13:6 2:1 32
Contern 11:8 1:2 30
Steinsel 10:9 1:2 29
Wiltz 8:11 0:3 27

–> Gréngewald has clinched the first place and will face Contern or Steinsel in the semi finals.
–> Dudelange and Bertrange will meet in the second semi final. Dudelange has the best cards to earn home court advantage.







Par FLBB , le 09/03/2024 à 22:26
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