The modus for the season 2021/22

16 septembre 2021
The 2021/22 season is only weeks away, the teams are currently in the middle of their preparation. The new season will also feature a new modus that was unfortunately not played la...

The National 2 is finally back: New modus, expectations by the coaches and off-season changes

16 septembre 2021
The second highest basketball has been on hold for a long time because of the Covid-19 situation. The teams had to stay in shape and practice without having a goal (game) ahead, a ...

New name and new logo: LBBL – Luxembourg Basketball League by TOTAL ENERGIES

16 septembre 2021
The first league in the women's and men's competition will get a new name with the start of this season. Luxembourg Basketball League by TOTAL ENERGIES is the new name, the short f...

Jérôme Altmann : « Il risque d’y avoir des surprises » (

15 septembre 2021
Pour sa deuxième saison sur le banc dudelangeois, Jérome Altmann présente les objectifs de son groupe. Un deuxième sacre d’affilée est dans le viseur… Article --> artic...

Denis Toroman : « Cela prendra du temps ! » (

15 septembre 2021
Le nouveau coach du T71 Dudelange arrive à la tête d’un groupe champion en titre mais fortement remanié. L’ex pro raconte ses premiers mois au sein du club dudelangeois. Int...

Sport Invité um Radio: Ken Diederich

15 septembre 2021
De Jeff Kettenmeyer huet mat him iwwert d'FLBB Formatioun, säin neie Posten als „Head of Basketball“ an iwwert déi nei Saison geschwat. Dir kënnt de ganzen Interview, deen a...

Special Olympics / Von Wiltz nach Hesperingen gedribbelt (

12 septembre 2021
Die Mission war erfolgreich! 24 Stunden wollten die Special Olympics durch Luxemburg dribbeln und somit für Anerkennung und Inklusion ihrer 400 Sportler werben. Wer bislang dachte...

VIDEO: Ettelbrooklyn 3X3 contest

12 septembre 2021
The 3X3 U16 tournament has been played in Ettelbruck on Saturday. You can watch a video of the event here:...

24 Stonnen Dribbelen fir d’Inklusioun

9 septembre 2021
Special Olympics Lëtzebuerg hunn mat enger besoonescher Aktioun op sech opmirksam gemaach. Vun e Fréiden an der Nuecht op e Samschden gëtt 24 Stonnen laang "gedribbelt", dat due...

50 Joer T71 Diddeleng (Reportage

7 septembre 2021
Den T71 Diddeléng feiert säi 50-järeg Jubiläum. Dozou huet de Guy Seyler vum RTL Radio e Reportage gemaach, lauschtert Iech d'episod hei un --> reportage rtl Radio ...

Overview of all off-season changes in the men’s LBBL (team by team)

6 septembre 2021
Here is an overview of the off-season moves in the men's LBBL, team by team: Etzella Ettelbruck Arrivals/extensions: - Coach Kresimir Basic stays - Daniel Dingle (pro) - Cha...

Overview of all off-season changes in the women’s LBBL

6 septembre 2021
Here is an overview of the off-season moves in the women’s LBBL, team by team: T71 Dudelange Arrivals/extensions - Coach Jérôme Altmann stays - Michelle Dittgen (Basket ...

3X3 tournament in Ettelbruck for U16 teams / Register your team (for free) here

4 septembre 2021
Within the framework of ETTELBROOKLYN STREET FEST, the FLBB is organising the first big 3X3 Outdoor Event for U16 teams. Date: 11.09.2021 Categories: U16 men and U16 women Sta...

28 Joer am selwechte Club (Reportage

4 septembre 2021
Datt e Spiller seng ganz Carrière bei engem an deemselwecht Club mécht, dat ass haut éischter rar. De Joel Thesen ass ee vun hinnen. 28 Joer laang huet hien fir de Basketclub U...

Cup 1/16 finals drawn

1 septembre 2021
The 1/16 finals in the cup competition were drawn, here are the matchups in the women's and men's competition. WOMEN (Lalux Ladies Cup) Schieren (+10) - Sparta Black Star - ...