Gavin Love: « Basket Esch is the favorite, all the pressure is on them »

1 juin 2021
Contern has a surprisingly great season, the team of head-coach Gavin Love will have a chance to qualify for the semi-finals this Wednesday when they face Basket Esch in the play-i...

Sparta Bartringen stellte am Wochenende ein internationales Jugendturnier auf die Beine ( Premium)

1 juin 2021
Die Organisation eines internationalen Jugendturniers ist eigentlich nichts Besonderes, in Pandemie-Zeiten jedoch fast unmöglich. Die Sparta Bartringen nutzte die jüngsten Locker...

Duane Johnson will miss play-in game because of an injury suffered against Racing

31 mai 2021
Very bad news for Arantia Larochette. As the club reports on Monday, the team will play the play-in game in Dudelange on Wednesday-evening without professional player Duane Johnson...

Men’s JICL MVP race presented by QUBE (season finale edition)

31 mai 2021
The men's JICL MVP race is presented by our partner QUBE, this is the season finale edition. 1. Frank Muller The experienced player from Dudelange has led the race from the sta...

Alexis Kreps talks about this season, his predictions for the play-in games and his future

31 mai 2021
Résidence Walfer has been a big positive surprise in the men's Total League this season. The promoted team has qualified for the semi-finals and will have home-court advantage in ...

Nach dem Sieg im zweiten Finalspiel: Catherine Mreches will nach vorne schauen (

31 mai 2021
Durch einen 80:69-Erfolg gegen die Résidence erzwang der T71 am Samstag das Entscheidungsspiel in der Finalserie um die Damenmeisterschaft. Dreh- und Angelpunkt im Düdelinger Spi...

Video-Reportage vun der 2. Dammenfinall Résidence – T71 (RTL Rebound)

30 mai 2021
Nodeems sech d'Résidence Walfer an der éischter Finall vum Dammebasket-Championnat mat 79:64 behaapte konnt huet Diddeleng sech den 2. Match gekroopt. Am RTL Rebound kënnt Dir...

Portrait vun enger Basket-Arbittesch um héchsten nationalen Niveau (RTL Rebound)

30 mai 2021
D'Cathy Donckel war e Mëttwoch den Owend 2. Arbittesch bei der 1. Dammefinall am Basket tëscht dem T71 Diddeleng an der Résidence vu Walfer. Beim BBC Gréngewald ass déi jon...

Regular season ends with spectacular game-winning buzzer beater by DJ Wilson (video)

30 mai 2021
The men's regular season is over. On Sunday, the last rescheduled game was played between Racing and Arantia. The game ended with a spectacular game-winning buzzer beater by DJ W...

107 Fotoen vum Dammenmatch Résidence – T71

30 mai 2021
De Robert Straus war um Dammenmatch als Fotograf, op fannt Dir 107 Fotoen vum Match: Fotoen Robert Strauss...

Video-highlights: 5 « And1 »-plays from game 2

29 mai 2021
Take a look at the highlight-video that includes 5 and-1-plays from the women's game 2. Nadine Bourg, Amanda Cahill, Nadia Mossong, Catherine Mreches and Shalonda Winton. g...

Video-highlights: Michèle Orban finds Shalonda Winton while falling down

29 mai 2021
Michèle Orban had a nice assist in the women's game 2 of the finals, she takes the offensive rebound and finds Shalonda Winton while falling to the floor. First, player of the gam...

Women’s finals: T71 forces decisive game 3

29 mai 2021
On Saturday-evening, the second game of the women's finals was played in Walferdange. T71 forces a decisive game by winning on the road, the series is tied at 1:1 and will be decid...

Ben Kovac’s highlight tape of his first professional season

29 mai 2021
You can watch Ben Kovac's highlights from his first season as a professional player here: ...

Zwischen Titelkampf und Abitur: Sofie Fuglsang fehlt noch ein Sieg zum Höhepunkt einer noch jungen Karriere ( Premium)

29 mai 2021
Die letzten Wochen der jungen Walferdingerin Sofie Fuglsang werden bestimmt von intensiven Basketballspielen und kompletter Konzentration auf ihre Abschlussprüfungen. Ende der Woc...