Racing Luxembourg announced that point guard Max Hilger will return to the men's first team in the upcoming season after spending 2 seasons in Germany, where he played in the 4th l...
National team player Yann Wolff returns to his former club Etzella Ettelbruck as the club announced.
Wolff is the second main player to leave Amicale after Max Schmit returned ...
After spending one season in Steinsel with Amicale, Max Schmit returns to his former club Kordallsteelers, as the club announced on its facebook page. ...
Racing Luxembourg has decided to end their collaboration with the men's head-coach Philip Dejworek, as reports. Racing reached the play-offs this season.
After Brian Ca...
Den Heng Pleimling erkläert am Video, wéi d'Saison 2019/20 bewäert gëtt.
Am Resumé bei den Hären:
Total League Hären:
Champion: Basket Esch
Ofsteiger an d'Nationale 2: ...
Arantia's head-coach Brian Carroll made the decison not to return to the team/club next season, as he told us on Monday morning.
Carroll wants to thank „the players, the comm...
Kuckt een d'Statistiken vun de leschten 10 Joren (ab der Saison 2009-2010 sinn d'Statistiken online) am Basket, dann fält bei den Hären virun allem een Numm op bei de beschte Sco...
Op der Foto gesäit een, wéi sech d'Auswiel vun de Wërf an der NBA am Laf vun de leschten 20 Joer geännert huet, et sinn déi 200 Plazen um Terrain markéiert, vun deenen am mee...
Coupe-Finallen ginn des Woch bekanntlech keng gespillt, an awer stinn eng ganz Rei Matcher um Programm am nationale Championnat, dorënner e komplette Spilldag an der Op- an Ofstig...
Den Telstar Hesper huet um Samschden eng weider wichteg Victoire gefeiert. Mat 90:86 huet sech d'Ekipp vum Trainer Gabor Boros géint den direkte Konkurrent Résidence Walfer duerc...
With the finals games played in the men's play-offs on Saturday-evening, the quarter-finals matchups are known.
Champion Etzella will host US Heffingen and T71 will enter the q...
De Basket Esch huet um fréien Samschden-Owend auswäerts géint D'Musel Pikes gewonn an séchert sech mat der Victoire Heemvirdeel fir eng eventuell Finall géint de Géigner.
D'Etzella Ettelbréck hat bis elo eng Saison mat Héichten an Déiften. Am Ufank ass et guernet gelaf beim Doublé-Gewënner, et war een net zefridden mat de Profispiller, déi gou...
In the play-down, Contern was able to beat Arantia and with this win, Contern keeps their small chances alive of staying in the Total League. In fact, Contern reduces the gap to 2 ...
On Wednesday-evening, Basket Esch won its game against Heffingen which gives them the chance to compete for the first place in the standings on Saturday-evening. In fact, the Musel...
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