Division 2 Hommes

Game-winner by Alex Stein (video)

5 décembre 2021
Résidence wins a crazy game in Ettelbruck on Sunday. After trailing by 20 points to enter the final quarter, Etzella stormed back to bring the game into overtime. However, Alex St...

Trier, Grün win at home (stats)

5 décembre 2021
Thomas Grün and his team Gladiators Trier have won their home game on Sunday defeating the Itzehoe Eagles 86:68. Our national team player scored 7 points and added 4 rebouns and 2...

Comeback: Raul Birenbaum joins Etzella

5 décembre 2021
Raul Birenbaum is back in the LBBL. As Etzella Ettelbruck announced on Sunday, the former national team player will play for the club this season. At the moment, Birenbaum is still...

Nadia Mossong hits 9 3-pointers (video)

5 décembre 2021
JICL MVP candidate Nadia Mossong hit 9 3-pointers on Saturday in T71's win against Gréngewald. Watch all 9 of her shots in this compilation. T71 is unbeaten (12:0) this season. ...

LBBL: All home teams win on Saturday-evening / Skrijelj and Mossong shine

4 décembre 2021
9 games were played on Saturday-evening in the women's and men's LBBL. In all games, the home team came out victorious. In the women's league, Nadia Mossong, leading JICL MVP c...

Awards night: Two 3rd places and one 5th place

3 décembre 2021
The Luxembourgish sports press union has announced the winners in the categories "athlete of the year", "team of the year" and "coach of the year" in an online ceremony on Friday-e...

Men’s LBBL is back / Top game Gréngewald – T71 in the women’s LBBL

3 décembre 2021
After the national team break, the men's LBBL is back this weekend with game day 12. After all teams met once this season, these were the main takeaways --> LBBL: 10 main takeaw...

Chris Wulff bleibt trotz der starken Hinrunde sachlich (Tageblatt.lu Premium)

3 décembre 2021
Acht Siege bei drei Niederlagen, Tabellenrang zwei: Das junge Sparta-Team hat eine starke Hinrunde hinter sich, für Trainer Chris Wulff jedoch noch lange kein Grund, abzuheben. ...

Wie Milan Skobalj die Musel Pikes retten will (wort.lu +)

3 décembre 2021
Die Musel Pikes starten mit einem neuen Coach in die Rückrunde, der Lösungen für die aktuellen Probleme finden will. --> Artikel wort.lu (+)...

Cathy Schmit tears achilles which may end her long career

2 décembre 2021
Shock for Cathy Schmit, her team Musel Pikes and also the entire women's league as the ex national team player got the confirmation that she tore her achilles in the cup game on We...

Kovac, Suns lose to ZZ Leiden (stats)

2 décembre 2021
Ben Kovac and his team Den Helder Suns were in action on Thursday-evening. Against ZZ Leiden, Den Helder lost 63:82 in the end after the game was close until the start of the 4thn ...

Women’s cup: T71, Amicale, Résidence and Basket Esch advance

1 décembre 2021
The 1/4 finals in the LaLux Ladies Cup competition are being played on Wednesday and Thursday. 3 out of 4 games were played on Wednesday-evening. Gréngewald - T71 53:68 - In ...

In der „Coupe des Dames“ will auch der amtierende Pokalsieger Steinsel wieder in die Coque (Tageblatt.lu Premium)

1 décembre 2021
Wenn am Mittwoch und Donnerstag das Viertelfinale der „Coupe des Dames“ ausgetragen wird, geht es auch um den Einzug in die Coque, wo Titelverteidiger Steinsel liebend gerne wi...

Luxembourg – Romania: Pictures by Laurence Conté

1 décembre 2021
Laurence Conté took pictures at the game Luxembourg - Romania, take a look at the pictures here: ...

Cup week for the women! (1/4 finals)

1 décembre 2021
It is cup week for the women in the LALUX LADIES CUP.This Wednesday (3 games) and Thursday (1 game), the quarter finals are scheduled, all 8 remaining teams are therefore only 1 wi...