The LBBL final are on the schedule over the next days and weeks.
Let's take a look at the schedule and the results, a "best-of-5" series will be played in both the women's and t...
Team Luxembourg is the first ever EDL - The League Champion! In the final four, Luxembourg was able to beat team Düsseldorf (118-40) in the semi-final, before winning against Wupp...
The U18 men qualified for the Final 4 of the European Development League, called “The League”. After winning the first 2 stops in Luxembourg and Wuppertal, the FLBB Squad tries...
The FLBB is glad to announce the extension of the partnership with Property Invest. We are looking forward to continue working together with the common goal to promote the sport of...
Die Kordall Steelers haben ihre Saisonziele verfehlt. Mit einer Gesamtbilanz von acht Siegen und 20 Niederlagen belegt der Fusionsverein am Saisonende den dritten Platz der Abstieg...
Yves Defraigne has extended his contract with T71 Dudelange for another season as the club announced on Monday. The Belgian coach Defraigne will enter his third season as the head ...
In den ersten beiden Partien der „Best of five“-Serie konnten sowohl der Gréngewald als auch Düdelingen ihr Heimspiel gewinnen. Auch im dritten Finale ging das Lokalteam als ...
Während man bei den siegreichen Steinselern die starke Kollektivleistung lobte, haderten die Ettelbrücker mit dem Foul-Trouble ihrer „Big Men“, aber auch mit der eigenen, ern...
Im dritten Spiel der Basketball-Finalserie übernehmen die Titelverteidigerinnen aus Hostert wieder die Führung. Düdelingens Frauen geben den möglichen Sieg aus der Hand.
Game 3 of the LBBL finals was played on Saturday evening in the women's and men's category.
Gréngewald Hueschtert - T71 Dudelange 82:75
- Gréngewald leads the best-of-5 ser...
Ben Kovac and his team Patrioti Levice lead the "best-of-5" semi final series against Komarno 1:0. Levice was able to win game 1 79:67 on Saturday.
Our national team player pla...
Avanti Mondorf is the second team that promotes to the LBBL. After US Heffingen clinched promotion several weeks ago, Mondorf can now celebrate on the final game day of the play-of...
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