In addition to our youth players, our referees and commissioners will once again be representing Luxembourg in Europe this summer at the youth European championships. In total, 4 r...
National team player Joy Baum joins Limburg (Netherlands) for the upcoming season. The 22-year old Baum, who is a member of the Sports army, started her professional career in Germ...
The schedule for the 2024/25 season is out. You can take a look at the games for the LBBL (women and men), National 2 (women and men) and National 3 (men) below.
The schedule w...
This weekend (Friday – Sunday), the international youth trophy wias be played in Mersch. 4 countries participated in this U16 competition.
All results:
Sparta-player Nicole Torresani is currently in action at the World championship with Italy's U17 team, the event takes place in Mexico. On Sunday, the nation started the competitio...
This weekend (Friday – Sunday), the international youth trophy will be played in Mersch (Hall omnisports). 4 countries will compete in this U16 competition.
Pictures U16 (boys...
Our U18 girls hosted Ireland on Thursday and Friday in another Ireland exchange, the games were played at the gym of Gréngewald Hueschtert (Niederanven).
pictures --> Pictures ...
Claire Margue participated in the 17th FIBA European women's basketball summit. The 43-year old Margue shares her thoughts on the experience:
„ I am really grateful that ...
The 3x3 Luxembourg Tour is back in 2024 for its second edition. It will take place in the period from end of June to mid-July. It will include 3 tour stops organized in collaborati...
the 3X3 tournament in Belval was part of the 3X3 Luxembourg tour 2024, you can take a look of pictures by the event by Ant Deister under the following link --> pictures 3X3 Belval ...
Iwwer déi lescht Jore gëtt vun der internationaler Basketfederatioun awer och ëmmer méi Wäert op den 3X3 geluecht. Och hei am Land probéiert een, déi Leit, déi sech fir de ...
Our photographer Ant Deister was at the invitational unified basketball tournament. The special olympics team was able to win the tournament, there was also an "All star game" with...
3×3-Fans werden in den kommenden Wochen im Großherzogtum wieder auf ihre Kosten kommen, denn zum zweiten Mal findet ab Samstag die Luxembourg Tour statt, die ihren Auftakt in Bel...
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