FIBA President Hamane Niang has written an open letter on behalf of FIBA Executive Committee about racism, a subject that is currently in discussion and in the media all around the...
After 5 years with Amicale Steinsel, Erica Morrow and the club part ways this summer. Morrow led Amicale to 6 titles and lastly figured as a player-coach for the club.
Thierry ...
The NBA has presented a detailed plan for the restart of the league that was announced a few weeks ago. It is known right now that the National basketball association will continue...
Avanti Mondorf has added Clay Guillozet as second professional player for the upcoming season. Guillozet is 1.93 m tall and played for the Valdosta State University. You can watch ...
Am 27. Juni werden die Basketballclubs endgültig über einen neuen Spielmodus für die kommende Saison - und darüber hinaus - abstimmen. Entscheiden können sich die Clubs zwisch...
Nationale 2 team Kordall Steelers has announced the signing of US-player Tim Guers who lastly played at College for the Saint Anselm Hawks. He will play next to Cristen Wilson.
T71 Dudelange has announced the signing of Steve Harris (25 years, 2.02 m tall) for the upcoming season. Harris played played professional basketball for Den Helder (NL) and Vevey ...
Déi nächst Spillerin an der Rubrik “Wat mécht eigentlech ...?“ ass d'Carine Cigrang, Ex-Spillerin vun de Musel Pikes.
The Musel Pikes have found a new coach for their men's teams. In fact, US-coach John Dieckelman will take over as coach for the team that finished the season second behind Basket E...
D'Lisa Jablonowski wäert no bal 4 Joer an den USA nächst Saison eng éischt Statioun als professionell Basketballspillerin untrieden. Wéi de Quotidien schreift, spillt d'Jablono...
Nächste Spiller an der Rubrik “Wat mécht eigentlech ...?“ ass den Tim Giver, deen ënner anerem vill Joren zu Hiefenech an Ettelbréck aktiv war.
Wéi eng Roll spillt d...
D’FLBB seet der LALUX gäer Merci fir daat geschenkten Vertrauen an d’Wéiderféieren vun enger längjähreger Collaboratioun.
Zanter der Grënnung vun der Lëtzebuerger Bas...
BBC Arantia has announced that Tyrell Sturdivant will join the team in the upcoming season. Sturdivant played for AS Zolwer earlier in his career and you can take a look at his hig...
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