Division 1 Dames

61:61 – Gréngewald’s game ends with a rare tie

29 septembre 2021
On Wednesday-evening, Gréngewald played the second game of the EuroCup qualifiers against Banco Sardegna Sassari from Italy. The first game in Italy ended with 67:85 loss for the ...

Video: Lisy Hetting beats the buzzer

29 septembre 2021
Lisy Hetting had a spectacular shot at the end ot the third quarter in the EuroCup against Banco Sardegna Sassari from Italy. Her 3-point-shot-attempt went in off the backboard. ...

Die Musel Pikes stecken früh in der Krise (wort.lu +)

29 septembre 2021
Die Basketballer aus Stadtbredimus kassieren im zweiten Saisonspiel die zweite Heimniederlage. Die Defensive bereitet dem Trainer Sorgen. Artikel --> Die Musel Pikes stecken fr...

EuroCup: Gréngewald-women face difficult challenge on Wednesday

28 septembre 2021
This Wednesday, the women-team of Gréngewald Hueschtert will play the second game of the duell against the team Banco Sardegna Sassari from Italy. The game will start at 19:00 in ...

Women’s key facts and stats (game-day 1)

28 septembre 2021
The women's key facts and stats of game-day 1 are presented by our partner Spuerkeess. Scorers (non-professional players) Laura Henket (18) Nadia Mossong (17) Emily Leid (1...

Men’s key facts and stats (game-day 1)

28 septembre 2021
The men's key facts and stats of game-day 1 are presented by our partner Spuerkeess. Scorers (non-professional players) Pit Biever (24) Philippe Gutenkauf, Lou Demuth (18) ...

Nach dem ersten Sieg: Die Saison 2020/21 hat den Telstar Hesperingen stärker gemacht (tageblatt.lu Premium)

28 septembre 2021
Der 26. September 2021 wird zweifelsohne in die Geschichtsbücher des Telstar Hesperingen eingehen, denn am vergangenen Sonntag durfte der letztjährige Aufsteiger seinen ersten Si...

Alley oop dunk after 15 seconds

28 septembre 2021
Philippe Gutenkauf and newly acquired professional player Mallory combined for a spectacular alley oop dunk 15 seconds into the first game of the season for Etzella Ettelbruck. ...

Die Träume und Pläne von Ausnahmetalent Dan Mantz (wort.lu +)

28 septembre 2021
Dan Mantz zählt zu den größten Nachwuchshoffnungen Luxemburgs. Nach dieser Saison könnte Conterns Eigengewächs den nächsten Schritt gehen. Artikel --> Artikel wort.lu (...

3 teams remain unbeaten after double weekend

27 septembre 2021
The National 2 season started with a double game-day. After the first week-end, Gréngewald, Mondorf and Zolwer remain unbeaten. On Sunday, Mondorf won 92:88 against BC Mess beh...

Meynadier, Saarlouis lose first game of the season

27 septembre 2021
Magaly Meynadier and her new team Saarlouis Royals have lost the opening game of the season. After losing in the cup competition last week (against Magaly's old team Nördlingen), ...

Telstar beats Amicale to finish game-day 1 in the LBBL

26 septembre 2021
With Telstar's victory over Steinsel on Sunday-evening, the first game-day in the men's LBBL was finished. While the 5 road teams won their game before Sunday's game, Telstar was a...

Bei Etzellas Basketballerinnen hat der Neuaufbau begonnen (wort.lu +)

26 septembre 2021
Ettelbrück hat eine heftige Abwanderungswelle hinter sich, doch die Vereinsverantwortlichen blicken optimistisch in die Zukunft. Artikel --> Artikel wort.lu (+)...

Video: Philippe Arendt and Quintin Dove with alley oop dunk in crunch time

26 septembre 2021
The game Contern - T71 was decided in the final minutes. This alley oop between Philippe Arendt and Quintin Dove came in crunch time. ...

Laurent scores 25 points, Spurs win after overtime

26 septembre 2021
Alex Laurent showed a strong performance on Saturday-evening, his team Kortrijk Spurs won the first game of the regular season against Oxaco Boechout 85:83 after overtime! Our ...