Division 1 Dames

Video-highlights: 5 « And1 »-plays from game 2

29 mai 2021
Take a look at the highlight-video that includes 5 and-1-plays from the women's game 2. Nadine Bourg, Amanda Cahill, Nadia Mossong, Catherine Mreches and Shalonda Winton. g...

Video-highlights: Michèle Orban finds Shalonda Winton while falling down

29 mai 2021
Michèle Orban had a nice assist in the women's game 2 of the finals, she takes the offensive rebound and finds Shalonda Winton while falling to the floor. First, player of the gam...

Women’s finals: T71 forces decisive game 3

29 mai 2021
On Saturday-evening, the second game of the women's finals was played in Walferdange. T71 forces a decisive game by winning on the road, the series is tied at 1:1 and will be decid...

Ben Kovac’s highlight tape of his first professional season

29 mai 2021
You can watch Ben Kovac's highlights from his first season as a professional player here: ...

Zwischen Titelkampf und Abitur: Sofie Fuglsang fehlt noch ein Sieg zum Höhepunkt einer noch jungen Karriere (tageblatt.lu Premium)

29 mai 2021
Die letzten Wochen der jungen Walferdingerin Sofie Fuglsang werden bestimmt von intensiven Basketballspielen und kompletter Konzentration auf ihre Abschlussprüfungen. Ende der Woc...

Sunday game T71 – Telstar canceled

29 mai 2021
2 games were scheduled on Sunday to finish the season in the men's Total League, but the game T71 - Telstar will not be played as Hesperange informed the FLBB to cancel the game be...

T71 survives late run by Arantia on Harris’ game-saving block (video)

28 mai 2021
In a rescheduled game on Friday-evening, T71 won 86:85 on the road against Arantia. Both teams will now officially meet in the play-in game next Wednesday in Dudelange! Arantia ...

Ex-WNBA player Logic is the difference-maker but she is getting a lot of help / T71 under pressure in game 2

28 mai 2021
25 points, 13 rebounds, 8 assists and plenty of highlight-plays, Samantha Logic had another outstanding performance in game 1 of the women's finals. Logic was drafted and played in...

Walferdingens Basketballfrauen fehlt noch ein Sieg zum Titel (wort.lu +)

28 mai 2021
Wenn Résidence am Samstag erneut gegen T71 gewinnt, steht der neue Meister der Total League der Frauen fest. Nach 20 Jahren kann es wieder klappen. 2001 war Résidence Walferdi...

Amicale adds Rudolphe Joly (highlight-video)

28 mai 2021
Amicale Steinsel has announced the signing of Rudolphe Joly for (28, 2.08 m) the upcoming season, watch a highlight video of last season in France here. A few weeks ago, Amical...

Youth competitions restart with international U16-tournament in Bertrange

28 mai 2021
This weekend, the youth competitions officially restart with an international U16 tournament in Bertrange. The tournament will be organized under a very strice Covid-19-protocol. N...

Rescheduled games on Friday and Sunday: Arantia and T71 look to get ready for play-in game

27 mai 2021
On Friday-evening, Arantia Larochette is back in action after being forced to take a break because of the Covid-19-virus. The team of coach Christophe Ney knows that they will fini...

Philippe Arendt joins T71, Mathieu Arendt joins Contern

27 mai 2021
Philippe Arendt will join T71 next season, he is the second new player in Dudelange after Joe Kalmes (Musel Pikes). His brother Mathieu Arendt will join AB Contern. It was know...

„Wie ein Puzzle“: Für Résidence-Kapitänin Nadine Bourg sind Kollektiv und Konstanz entscheidend (tageblatt.lu Premium)

27 mai 2021
Nachdem die drei Halbfinalbegegnungen gegen die Musel Pikes äußerst knapp waren, konnte sich die Résidence mit ihrer Kapitänin Nadine Bourg am gestern relativ klar im ersten Fi...

Video-highlights: Top 5 plays of game 1

26 mai 2021
Here are the top 5 plays of game 1 of the women's finals between T71 and Résidence. game report --> Résidence-women take 1:0 lead in the finals...