Division 1 Dames

Download the FLBB App

4 novembre 2020
In January 2020, the FLBB generated a new website and a new app. In case you have not downloaded the app, you can find it in the App store --> APP_DOWNLOAD  and in the Play sto...

Michelle Klepper: Aufgeben ist keine Option (wort.lu +)

3 novembre 2020
Basketballerin Michelle Klepper hat eine lange Leidensgeschichte hinter sich. Doch mittlerweile fühlt sich die Steinselerin auch wieder auf dem Spielfeld wohl. Der Artikel ist...

Men’s stats leaders – Jackson-Cartwright and Gutenkauf lead scoring lists

2 novembre 2020
In the men's Total League, Miles Jackson-Cartwright (professional players) and Philippe Gutenkauf (JICL players) lead the scoring lists at the moment. While the guard from Basket E...

Lisa Jablonowski with strong performance in second straight win

1 novembre 2020
Lisa Jablonowski and her team Basket Costa have grabbed a second straight win on Sunday-evening with a 84:79-win against Battipaglia. In nearly 33 minutes on the court, the Luxembo...

Laurent, Dukes, remain unbeaten leader of the league

31 octobre 2020
On Saturday-evening, Alex Laurent and his team Klosterneuburg Dukes earned their 5th straight win in the championship and stay the unbeaten leader of the first Austrian league. ...

Vujakovic with game-winning free-throw (Video)

31 octobre 2020
Oliver Vujakovic and his team Swarco Raiders Tirol have won a very close game on Saturday-evening. In fact, Vujakovic made the game-winning free-throw with 20 seconds remaining in ...

„Mentally challenging » – Thomas Grün has to practice at home at the moment

31 octobre 2020
The season start for Thomas Grün and his team Gladiators Trier was very difficult. The first season game was cancelled because of the Covid-19-virus, then the team played only one...

All basketball competitions will pause until 1st January 2021

29 octobre 2020
Following the press conference by our sports Minister this afternoon, during which the rules and restrictions for sports were explained in the context of the Covid-19-virus, the ba...

Ben Kovacs Profidebut mit Hindernissen (tageblatt.lu)

29 octobre 2020
Wenn man Ben Kovac in einigen Jahren auf seine erste Profisaison anspricht, dann hat er sicher viel zu erzählen, und zwar nicht nur Sportliches. Gerade erst hat er sein ProfidebÃ...

FIBA: Alain Steffes will represent Luxembourg as commissioner

29 octobre 2020
Alain Steffes will represent Luxembourg at the FIBA EuroBasket 2021 women's qualifiers as a commissioner from 7th to the 15th of November. In the FIBA "bubble", Steffes will be a ...

Assists of the decade (by FIBA)

29 octobre 2020
The international basketball federation (FIBA) has presented a video with the best assists over the last decade. The 4-minute-video contains some of the best passes that led to a b...

All Matcher fir des Woch ofgesot / All games are cancelled this week

26 octobre 2020
D'FLBB deelt mat, dass all Basketmatcher bis (mindestens) e Sonnden, 1. November, ofgesot sinn. Ënnerhalb vun dëser Woch wäert zesummen mat de Veräiner iwwer eng Zäitfënster ...

Alex Laurent and his team eliminated in the cup competition

26 octobre 2020
Bitter defeat for Alex Laurent and his team Klosterneuburg Dukes on Monday-evening. The team lost in the cup 1/8-finals and was eliminated on the road against Traiskirschen. It was...

Neue Saison, neue Chance: Mandy Geniets will in der Bundesliga neu angreifen (tageblatt.lu Premium)

26 octobre 2020
Mandy Geniets hat in ihrer jungen Karriere schon einiges erlebt. Die 21-Jährige kombiniert zurzeit Basketball in der ersten Bundesliga mit ihrem Studium an der Uni Saarbrücken. N...

All CFBB Traininger sinn ofgesot / All CFBB practices are cancelled

26 octobre 2020
No de neien Mesuren, déi d’Regierung gëscht annoncéiert huet, hunn mir entscheet all CFBB Trainingen an dëser Woch (26.-30.10.) ofzesoen. Nodeems mir Detailer vun den neien ...