Division 1 Dames

Contern and Mamer meet on Wednesday

27 janvier 2024
On Wednesday evening, AB Contern and Mambra Mamer will meet in a rescheduled game in the men's LBBL. It is the first meeting between both teams this season. The game is crucial ...

Key game between Mamer and Sparta

26 janvier 2024
Game day 17 is on the schedule this weekend. After earning victory during the week, Gréngewald Hueschtert has a chance to make a serious push at the play-off places with a road...

Grosber and Muratovic in action at the Adidas next generation tournament

26 janvier 2024
Two of Luxembourg's most talented players, Dorian Grosber (Alba Berlin) and Namik Muratovic (Bayern Munich), are currently playing the "Adidas next generation tournament" for U18 t...

Spuerkeess journée nationale du basket (February 18th)

25 janvier 2024
On February 18th, another edition of the “Spuerkeess Journée Nationale du Basket“ will be organized in Dudelange. A skills challenge and a 3X3 tournament are part of the progr...

Gréngewald hits 17 threes and rolls past Kordall

24 janvier 2024
On Wednesday evening, a prescheduled from game day 20 was played in the men's LBBL. Gréngewald Hueschtert - Kordall Steelers 100:80 - Gréngewald improves to 5:12 while Kordal...

Thanks to over 5000 visitors on cup weekend

22 janvier 2024
The cup semi finals at the Coque in Kirchberg are one of the highlights of the basketball season. Once again, the number of visitors in the stands were impressive over the course o...

Pictures of the semi finals on Sunday

22 janvier 2024
Take a look at pictures by our photographer Ant Deister from the semi finals that were played on Sunday at the Coque in Kirchberg. In the women's game, Dudelange played against Ber...

Das waren die fünf Höhepunkte des Basketball-Wochenendes (wort.lu (+)

22 janvier 2024
In den vergangenen Tagen wurde den Zuschauern einiges geboten. Ein Spiel stach besonders hervor. --> Das waren die fünf Höhepunkte des Basketball-Wochenendes...

Artikel zur Coupe FLBB (Tageblatt. lu Premium)

22 janvier 2024
Auf Tageblatt.lu (Premium) können Sie zwei Artikel zu den Endspielen der Coupe FLBB lesen, die am Freitagabend vor 1500 Zuschauern in der Coque in Kirchberg gespielt wurden. Ar...

Anne Simon rückt in der Bestenliste ihrer Uni auf Rang sieben vor (Tageblatt.lu)

22 janvier 2024
Seit Samstag steht Anne Simon an Position sieben der besten Scorer in der Geschichte der University of Maine. Ben Kovac und Levice haben in der Slowakei wieder in die Siegesspur ge...

Sparta enters the men’s cup final in front of 2000 spectators

21 janvier 2024
On Sunday evening, the second semi final in the men's cup competition was played at the Coque in Kirchberg in front of around 2000 spectators (sold out). Sparta Bertrange won the g...

T71 beats Sparta after overtime (videos)

21 janvier 2024
T71 Dudelange is the second women’s team that qualifies for the cup final after Gréngewald Hueschtert qualified on Saturday evening. On Sunday afternoon, the team of coach Jér...

Pictures of the cup semi finals on Saturday

21 janvier 2024
Take a look at pictures of the semi finals Gréngewald - Steinsel (women) and Etzella - Walfer (men). ...

Résidence Walfer advances to the men’s final

20 janvier 2024
Résidence Walfer is the first men's team that qualifies for the cup final. On Saturday evening, Walfer was able to beat cup title holder Etzella Ettelbruck 82:58 at the Coque in K...

Gréngewald advances to the women’s final

20 janvier 2024
Gréngewald Hueschtert is the first women's team that qualifies for the cup final. On Saturday evening, the team of coach Francois Manti was able to beat Amicale Steinsel 97:63 at ...