Division 1 Dames

„Eine Wahnsinns-Erfahrung“ (Tageblatt.lu)

27 septembre 2022
Einmal in der Champions League antreten dürfen, dieser Traum ging für Ben Kovac in den letzten Tagen in Erfüllung. Auch wenn es für sein Team, den slowakischen Klub Patrioti Le...

Contern enters next round / Cup draw on Thursday

26 septembre 2022
The women team of AB Contern has entered the next round of the Lalux Ladies cup. On Tuesday, the LBBL team was able to beat Black Star Mersch 89:55. The hosts from the National 2 h...

Den RTL Rebound vum 25.9 am Replay

26 septembre 2022
Den RTL Rebound vum 1. Spilldaag am Replay. Reportagen vun der AGO vun der FLBB, vum Dammenmatch Walfer - Diddeléng an vum Härenmatch Sparta - Zolwer. --> Rebound Replay 25.9...

Contern-women and Etzella-men grab wins

25 septembre 2022
On Sunday, 2 games were played in the LBBL, both in Ettelbruck. WOMEN Etzella - Contern 53:67 - Francesca Wurtz posted 26 points and 20 rebounds as Contern used a strong fou...

Kovac, Levice lose final against Unicaja Malaga

25 septembre 2022
Ben Kovac and his team Patrioti Levice played the final of the Champions League qualification on Sunday against Unicaja Malaga, a team from the first Spanish league. Levice l...

National 2 weekend recap – game day 1

25 septembre 2022
The first game day was played in the men's National 2 this Friday and Saturday. Avanti Mondorf started the season with a 70:59 win over Black Star Mersch on Friday. Jalen Green ...

T71-women win top game / Arantia beats Basket Esch

24 septembre 2022
The LBBL season started on Saturday-evening with a total of 9 games. WOMEN LBBL Sparta - Zolwer 93:28 - Martha Burse recorded a triple-double with 27 points, 11 rebounds and ...

Joy Baum wins first game of the season

24 septembre 2022
Joy Baum has started her professional career and her season in Germany with a victory. Her team Chemnitz was able to beat the Avides Hurricanes 59:67 on the road. Our national ...

Mondorf beats Black Star in season opening game

24 septembre 2022
The first game of the season in the men's National 2 was played on Friday-evening. Avanti Mondorf managed to defend homecourt against Black Star Mersch, the final score was 70_59. ...

Kovac scores 17, Levice advances to the finals on Sunday (Live stream)

23 septembre 2022
Ben Kovac and his team Patrioti Levice played the second round of the Champions league qualification tournament on Friday. They were able to beat Kauhajoki (Finland) 81:57 and adva...

So starten die zwölf Erstligisten in die neue Saison (wort.lu +)

23 septembre 2022
In der LBBL der Männer könnte es in der anstehenden Spielzeit besonders spannend werden. Mehrere Titelaspiranten haben aufgerüstet. -->Artikel wort.lu (+) --> Zolvers B...

First game day of the 2022/23 season

23 septembre 2022
The Luxembourg Basketball League LBBL is back. This weekend, the first game day of the 2022/23 season is on the schedule. The first game in the men’s league will tip-off at 18...

Optakt vum Dammebasket-Championnat (rtl.lu)

22 septembre 2022
Dëse Weekend fält de Startschoss fir déi nei Saison am Dammebasket. Dobäi kënnt et direkt zu e puer interessante Matcher. De wuel interessantste Match dierft d'Spëtzeparti...

CL qualification: Kovac, Levice advance to the next round

21 septembre 2022
Ben Kovac and his team Patrioti Levice played against Kormend (Hungary) in the Champions league qualification on Wednesday. The new team of our national team player was able to win...

Basketballpodcast ANDONE (Saisonvorschau)

21 septembre 2022
Mit dem Titel "Die wichtigsten Fragen und Antworten vor dem Saisonstart" startet der Basketballpodcast ANDONE in die neue Saison. Wer wird Meister? Wer steigt ab? Jenny Zeyen, J...