Coupe des Cadettes

T71 and Arantia win the Cadet(te)s finals

12 mai 2024
On Sunday, the finals of the "Cadettes" and "Cadets" championship will be played in Luxembourg (gym of Racing Luxembourg, Tramsschapp). T71 Dudelange - Sparta Bertrange (Cadett...

All girls basketball camp on April 20th and 21st

3 avril 2024
In collaboration with FLBB shooting coach Peter Rajniak and within the framework of the new "her world her rules" project, the national basketball federation will organize an "all ...

Basket Esch and Résidence Walfer win the titles

19 mai 2023
The finals of the Cadets and Cadettes championship 2022/23 were played on Saturday in Schieren. Finals Cadettes T71 Dudelange - Basket Esch 61:69 Finals Cadets Résidenc...

Wéi kënnen d’Clibb dobaussen trainéieren?

4 juin 2020
Aktuell fänken d'Basketclibb lues an lues un sech op d'nächst Saison virzebereeden. Dobäi stellt sech d'Fro, ënner wéienge Konditiounen d'Clibb nees dobaussen trainéieren die...

Ballhandling Übungen mam Mariusz Dziurdzia (VIDEO)

26 mai 2020
De Mariusz Dziurdzia präsentéiert Ballhandling-Übungen fir doheem ze trainéieren. Ass wat een brauch ass e Basketball. Vill Spaass! :) ...
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