ANDONE - De Basketpodcast präsentéiert eng néi Episod mam Nationaltrainer Ken Diederich.
Hei kënnt Dir déi ganz Episod lauschteren --> Podcast mam Ken Diederich
Am P...
National team head coach Mariusz Dziurdzia, who is currently in the preparation for the national team games in July, analyzes the seasons from our women-players abroad in the 2020/...
The women team of Gréngewald Hueschtert adds 4 JICL players to its roster. In fact, all 4 new players join from Etzella: Lena Hetto, Lynn Schreiner, Jo Schreiner and Cathrin Wolff...
Die Corona-Saison hat nach einer viermonatigen Zwangspause und einem Covid-19-Ausbruch in der entscheidenden Saisonphase doch noch einen positiven Abschluss gefunden. Dabei sichert...
T71 has added Laina Snyder for the upcoming season, she played in Steinsel last season.
she will be the second professional player of the team next to Shalonda Winton....
Amicale Steinsel has added Braydey Hodgins for the upcoming season. The 1.73 m tall US-guard played for Saarlouis Royals last season, the new club of Magaly Meynadier in the German...
Eine komplizierte Saison fand am vergangenen Freitag mit dem zweiten Finale bei den Herren doch noch ihr Ende, und wie schon zwei Wochen zuvor bei den Damen hieß der Meister T71 D...
Am RTL Rebound stoung d'Finallserie logescherweis am Mëttelpunkt, den Tom Schumacher an de Frank Muller waren am Studio, donieft gëtt et e Reportage vun engem Jugendturnéier um ...
22.5 points per game, 12.5 rebounds, 60% shooting from the field and some amazing highlight-plays (videos). Stephen Harris is the MVP of the men's finals 2020/21.
T71 showed a t...
Den RTL Rebound war um Jugendtournéier vum BBC Gréngewald fir e Reportage, hei kënnt Dir de "replay" kucken --> Replay Tournoi Gréngewald (Rebound) ...
National team player Ben Kovac will stay in the Netherlands with Den Helder Suns another season. Kovac played a strong first season as a professional player and is looking to impro...
Düdelingens Basketballclub erlebt eine der erfolgreichsten Saison der bisherigen Vereinsgeschichte. Doch die Planungen laufen bereits.
In der Düdelinger Sporthalle gehen erst ...
Great news for basketball in Luxembourg! Our national team will compete in the second round of the qualification tournament for the World Cup 2023 in August.
Over the last month...
T71 has announced the contract extension with Shalonda Winton, she will enter her 4th season with the club that won the championship this season.
T71 recently added national te...
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