The women team of Gréngewald Hueschtert has added Reili Richardson as a professional player for the upcoming season. She is an athletic point guard with a shooting touch. The team...
The final game of the TBT tournament was a thriller. In the end, Jarvis Williams, who played for Sparta Bertrange last season, and his team "Golden Eagles" were able to win the tou...
AS Zolwer has annonced that they will play with 2 professional players in the upcoming season. Faison Brock and David Syfax Jr will play for the Nationale 2 team next season. Both ...
Duane Johnson and his team "sideline cancer" will have a chance at winning 1 million dollar tonight in the final game of the TBT tournament in the USA. One of Duane's opponents wil...
Das Basketballturnier TBT ist bei den US-Profis in der Sommerpause sehr beliebt. Zwei Spieler, die in Luxemburg aktiv waren oder sind, spielen im Finale um eine Million US-Dollar.
In the final of the "TBT" (The Basketball Tournament), 2 professional players from Luxembourg will play in the final where the winning team gets 1 million dollar (75'000 / 90`000 p...
Arantia's professional player Duane Johnson (Nr 12 on the picture) is currently playing at the TBT (The Basketball Tournament), a special tournament where the winning team will ear...
Dean Gindt (ex-Sparta) jouera à Walferdange la saison prochaine. Il a parlé avec L'article est seulement accesible pour les abonnés du journal (Premium).
Trotz langer Diskussionen spielen nächste Saison in der Total League fast alle Mannschaften weiterhin mit zwei Profis. Etzella macht wohl einen Rückzieher.
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Gabor Boros and his team Telstar Hesperange will face a huge challenge next season. The team of the 37-year-old coach will play in the Total League. When Boros arrived at the club ...
According to eurobasket, BBC Gréngewald has signed Justin Taylor (24, 1.98 m) as a professional player for the upcoming season. Taylor lastly played in Finland, you can watch a hi...
Etzellas Basketballfrauen sind erstmals seit 20 Jahren wieder Meister geworden. Mit dem Titel nach dem vorzeitigen Saisonabbruch wollen sie sich aber nicht zufrieden geben.
De Spillprogramm fir nächst saison ass eraus! Bei den Hären spillt de Champion Esch géint Steesel um 1. Spilldaag, bei den Dammen spillt de Champion Etzella géint Walfer.
The new championship modus has brought a change for the Nationale 3 as B-teams are now allowed to participate. In fact, the best 4 teams of last season were asked first.
In the...
Ab der kommenden Saison werden alle Begegnungen der Total League live übertragen. Auch die Vereine profitieren vom neuen Angebot.
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