The first game of the men's LBBL finals was played on Saturday evening.
Amicale Steinsel - Basket Esch 74:79
- Basket Esch leads the finals 1:0, the second game of the best-of-...
On Saturday afternoon, the first game in the women's finals was played in Dudelange.
T71 Dudelange - Gréngewald Hueschtert 71:82
- Gréngewald leads the best-of-5 series 1:0...
Our U14 girls and boys are currently at the BaWü exchange in Germany.
The boys are active in a 3X3 tournament, the coaching staff has put together a little movie. ...
After the recent discussions around the use of the video in basketball games in Luxembourg, the basketball federation, in collaboration with the referees' commission, has worked ou...
On Saturday, game 1 of the women's and men's finals will be played. The first team to 3 victories will be crowned champion of Luxembourg 2022/23 as the finals are being played in a...
Great start for Ben Kovac and his team Patrioti Levice in the semi finals. The team takes a 1:0 lead on the road against the number two seeded team Iskra Svit (Levice entered the p...
Der Titelverteidiger trifft ab Samstag auf einen ebenbürtigen Gegner. Die beiden Mannschaften im Check.
Artikel (+) --> Steinsel gegen Esch: Das sind die Finalisten de...
Mit Düdelingen und Hostert treffen die beiden großen Saisonfavoriten im Meisterschaftsfinale aufeinander. Partien, in denen genügend Feuer sein dürfte.
--> Artikel Tageblatt...
Women's head coach Mike Feyder has extended his contract with Sparta Bertrange for the upcoming season as the club announced on Friday. Furthermore, professional point guard Martha...
Nach ihrer Verletzungspause ist Michelle Dittgen pünktlich für die Finalserie gegen den Gréngewald Hostert wieder in Form. Dass hart umkämpfte, intensive Spiele warten werden, ...
Former national team player and current player of T71 Dudelange, Kevin Moura, has announced his retirement from basketball on Thursday. "This is it" was his simple message on socia...
Nach dem starken Auftritt im dritten und entscheidenden Halbfinale gegen Düdelingen kommt es im Endspiel zum Duell mit Steinsel.
--> Artikel (+)...
On Wednesday evening, the decisive game 3 was played in the men's semi finals between Basket Esch and T71 Dudelange. In the end, the home team was able to win the game and will pla...
On Wednesday evening, the 4th game day out of 6 was played in the men's LBBL play-down.
Gréngewald Hueschtert was able to win a big game against AS Zolwer at the buzzer! (vide...
Im alles entscheidenden dritten Spiel kämpfte der Basket Esch mit einer deutlichen Leistungssteigerung nach der Pause Düdelingen nieder und trifft damit im Finale auf Titelvertei...
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