Im Spitzenspiel des zwölften Spieltags hat Hostert seine Gegnerinnen aus Düdelingen über weite Strecken dominiert. Der Unterschied (53:25) war eigentlich schon zur Pause fast ni...
One more game day is scheduled in the women's and men's LBBL before a short winter break.
On Wednesday evening, 6 games will be played in the men's LBBL, it is game day 14. Mam...
Ben Kovac is in the middle of his second season with Patrioti Levice in Slovakia. The 23-year old player has entered his 4th season as a professional player this season. After winn...
The FLBB is glad to organize the traditional "stage Hosingen" for our U14 teams from December 20th until December 23rd.
Coaching staff:
GALABOV Rumen (U14W)
Magaly Meynadier returned to Saarlouis to play against her former team Saarlouis Royals on Sunday. Her team Marburg lost the game 67:73. Meynadier scored 19 points and added 6 rebo...
Mambra Mamer and coach Mike Smith have parted ways in mutual agreement, it is the second coaching change in the men's LBBL this season (after Gréngewald replaced Amadeo Dias with ...
Die Formkurve der Arantia Fels zeigt steil nach oben. Nach einem holprigen Saisonstart gab es zuletzt vier Siege in Folge. Malik Wilson erklärt, warum es im Moment so gut läuft.
Game day 13 was played in the men's National 2 on Saturday and Sunday.
Racing Luxembourg managed to grab a key victory with a 86:82 win over league leader Black Frogs Schieren. ...
Game day 13 was played in the men's LBBL on Saturday evening.
Mambra Mamer - Arantia Larochette 69:101
- Arantia has a winning record of 7:6 after winning its 4rd straight gam...
This weekend, game day 13 will be played in the men's LBBL. It is the second last game day before the winter break.
All 6 games will be played on Saturday.
League leader Amic...
The cup semi finals will were drawn LIVE on our facebook page on Thursday morning.
Here are the matchups:
Saturday (January 20th)
Women: ...
Magaly Meynadier and her team Marburg have started the season in the DBBL (Damen Basketball Bundesliga) with 4 wins and 6 losses out of 10 games. The team also advanced to the quar...
Es war eine Art Befreiungsschlag, der Walferdingen am Sonntag gelang: Mit dem Sieg über die Etzella beendete die Mannschaft um Raul Birenbaum eine Niederlagenserie von drei aufein...
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