Compétitions nationales

Wat mécht eigentlech en « team manager » ? De Roby Fehlen erkläert déi vill Aufgaben

12 novembre 2020
Si sinn extrem wichteg an dach gett am Normalfall net vill iwwer si geschwat: “team manager“ sinn bei deene meeschte Clibb an der Total League standard. Wéi eng Aufgaben huet ...

Laurent, Dukes stay unbeaten after win against Timberwolves Vienna (game stats)

12 novembre 2020
Den Alex Laurent a seng Equipe Klosterneuburg Dukes bléiwen weiderhinn ongeschloen am Championnat des Saison! En Donneschteg den Owend huet d'Equippe vum Nationalspiller mat 11...

Julija Vujakovic: „I am happy that I can play basketball at the moment »

11 novembre 2020
D'Julija Vujakovic spillt Basket a studéiert op der Housten Baptist University an Amerika. D'Spillerin vun Walfer ass den Moment an der voller Preparatioun vir d'Saison. "Mir t...

Oliver Vujakovic: ,,My coach has a lot of confidence in me‘‘

11 novembre 2020
Den Olivier Vujakovic spillt an studéiert nach ee Joer an Eisterreich vir d'Swarco Raiders Tirol. Mëttlerweil huet eisen Nationalspiller eng wichteg Roll an der Equipe kritt an a...

Anne Simon is practicing with a mask at the moment

10 novembre 2020
D'Anne Simon ass eng vun den Lëtzebuerger Spillerinnen déi den Moment am Ausland, an Amerika studéieren. Hat spillt vir d'Maine University an huet och schonn mat verschiddenen ...

Alex Laurent: „We are happy that we can continue to play »

10 novembre 2020
Alex Laurent and his team Klosterneuburg have had a perfect start into the season in the first Austrian league. They lead the standings as the only unbeaten team. However, the team...

Lisa Jablonowsi is feeling more and more comfortable in Italy

9 novembre 2020
Lisa Jablonowski started her professional career this summer by going to Italy to play for Basket Costa Masnaga, a team from the first Italien league, a very high level for Europea...

How is the situation for Ben Kovac in the Netherlands?

9 novembre 2020
Ben Kovac just started his professional career, played 1 game after missing the season opener because of an injury, and now the season is interrupted for at least another few weeks...

Meynadier, Angels fall to Herner TC

7 novembre 2020
After a Covid-19-related break, Magaly Meynadier and the XCDYE Angels Nördlingen were back in action in the first German league on Saturday-evening. However, Nördlingen lost ...

Pires new head-coach for Gréngewald’s men-team

7 novembre 2020
Alexandre Pires is the new coach for the Gréngewald men's team, he already coached the team over the last days. Pires has coached in several clubs before and has been active a...

Safety recommendations and practice content

4 novembre 2020
The basketball federation has worked out safety recommendations for practices over the next weeks/months. Furthermore, coaches can find pratice content to get ideas for their prati...

Download the FLBB App

4 novembre 2020
In January 2020, the FLBB generated a new website and a new app. In case you have not downloaded the app, you can find it in the App store --> APP_DOWNLOAD  and in the Play sto...

Men’s stats leaders – Jackson-Cartwright and Gutenkauf lead scoring lists

2 novembre 2020
In the men's Total League, Miles Jackson-Cartwright (professional players) and Philippe Gutenkauf (JICL players) lead the scoring lists at the moment. While the guard from Basket E...

Lisa Jablonowski with strong performance in second straight win

1 novembre 2020
Lisa Jablonowski and her team Basket Costa have grabbed a second straight win on Sunday-evening with a 84:79-win against Battipaglia. In nearly 33 minutes on the court, the Luxembo...