Compétitions nationales

Fraen vum Gréngewald trieden nächst Saison am « Eurocup » un

20 juillet 2020
D'Fraen vum Gréngewald, déi 2019 den Titel gewannen konnten, wäerten nächst Saison an der "Eurocup", der zweethéchster europäescher Coupe matspillen. Et ass schonns 12 Joer h...

Nadia Mossong annoncéiert d‘Enn vun der Profikarriär

20 juillet 2020
D‘Nadia Mossong huet via instagram d‘Enn vun der Karriär als Profispillerin annoncéiert. D‘Lëtzebuerger Nationalspillerin huet déi lescht Joren an Italien gespillt. A...

Reili Richardson joins Gréngewald Hueschtert

15 juillet 2020
The women team of Gréngewald Hueschtert has added Reili Richardson as a professional player for the upcoming season. She is an athletic point guard with a shooting touch. The team...

Jarvis Williams / Eagles win 1 million dollar / video

15 juillet 2020
The final game of the TBT tournament was a thriller. In the end, Jarvis Williams, who played for Sparta Bertrange last season, and his team "Golden Eagles" were able to win the tou...

Zolwer announces 2 professional players for next season (highlight-videos)

14 juillet 2020
AS Zolwer has annonced that they will play with 2 professional players in the upcoming season. Faison Brock and David Syfax Jr will play for the Nationale 2 team next season. Both ...

Duane Johnson: „Some of the best competition I have ever played against »

14 juillet 2020
Duane Johnson and his team "sideline cancer" will have a chance at winning 1 million dollar tonight in the final game of the TBT tournament in the USA. One of Duane's opponents wil...

TBT-final: Jarvis Williams VS Duane Johnson / 1 million dollar for the winning team

13 juillet 2020
In the final of the "TBT" (The Basketball Tournament), 2 professional players from Luxembourg will play in the final where the winning team gets 1 million dollar (75'000 / 90`000 p...

Interview with Telstar-coach Gabor Boros

9 juillet 2020
Gabor Boros and his team Telstar Hesperange will face a huge challenge next season. The team of the 37-year-old coach will play in the Total League. When Boros arrived at the club ...

Gréngewald signs Justin Taylor (highlight-video)

9 juillet 2020
According to eurobasket, BBC Gréngewald has signed Justin Taylor (24, 1.98 m) as a professional player for the upcoming season. Taylor lastly played in Finland, you can watch a hi...

Spillprogramm 2020/21: Esch – Amicale bei den Hären um 1. Spilldaag

9 juillet 2020
De Spillprogramm fir nächst saison ass eraus! Bei den Hären spillt de Champion Esch géint Steesel um 1. Spilldaag, bei den Dammen spillt de Champion Etzella géint Walfer. Oc...

Mersch resigns Morris, will play with 1 professional player

5 juillet 2020
Black Star has announced that Brett Morris has resigned with the team for the upcoming season. Black Star qualified for the Nationale 2 play-offs which was a success for the club. ...

Contern completes roster with addition of Mike McCall (highlight-video)

5 juillet 2020
AB Contern has announced that they have added Mike McCall (29, 1.83 m) as second professional player next to Jerome Frink for the upcoming season. Contern's roster 2020/21: Ga...

Jovanovic and Zoric stay in Ettelbruck

4 juillet 2020
Dragana Zoric (head-coach) and Jelena Jovanovic (professional player) will stay in Ettelbruck in the upcoming season, as the newspaper Wort reports on Saturday-morning. Further...

Berichterstattung auf einem neuen Level

3 juillet 2020
English version below Deutsche / Luxemburgische Version: Der Basketballverband FLBB hat mit RTL eine neue Paket abgeschlossen, die die Berichterstattung und die Verfolgung d...

Jerome Frink 1. Profi zu Contern, Kader bleift bal identesch wéi lescht Saison

3 juillet 2020
Den AB Contern huet matgedeelt dass d'Härenekipp ouni Verstärkung oder Ofgäng bei de JICL-Spiller wäert an déi néi Saison starten. Den Kader gesäit esou aus: Andjelkovi...