Compétitions nationales

Contern: Fuger stays as head-coach, 2 new professional players signed (highlight-videos)

1 juillet 2020
Fabienne Fuger will stay in Contern as head-coach of the women's team. Furthermore, the club announced the signing of Leah Sommerfield (she played in Portugal and Switzerland befor...

Zolwer Präsident Alex Nick trëtt zeréck

29 juin 2020
Den Zolwer Präsident Alex Nick huet an engem Mail matgedeelt, dass hien net méi wäert als Zolwer Präsident kandidéieren, dat als Reaktioun op d'Wiel vum neie Modus, deen dofir...

T71 adds Pele Gianotti (highlight-video)

29 juin 2020
T71 Dudelange has added Pele Gianotti (24, 1.80 m) as a professional player for the upcoming season. She lastly played in Heidelberg (German first league), see a highlight-video he...

Mikayla Ferenz joins the Musel Pikes

29 juin 2020
Mikayla Ferenz, who played for AB Contern in the 2019/20 season, will join league-rival Musel Pikes next season. Ferenz will be the second non-JICL-Player of the team next to Bridg...

T71 adds Jimond Ivey (highlight-video)

28 juin 2020
T71 has announced the signing of Jimond Ivey (24, 1.96 m) for the upcoming season, he lastly played in Spain (3rd league). He will be the second professional player next to Steve H...

Iwwerbléck an Reaktiounen zum neie Modus bei den Dammen

28 juin 2020
Um Samschden gouf op der AGE e neie Modus fir de Championnat gewielt. Niewent den Hären kënnt et och bei den Dammen zu engem Wiessel vum Modus. Déi gewielte Propose hat nämlech...

OVERVIEW: Where do the clubs play in the 2020/21 season?

27 juin 2020
After the new modus was voted by the clubs on Saturday, all clubs finally know where they will play in the upcoming season. Let's take a look at the overview of the teams for the u...

MODUS 20/21: Total League mit 12 Teams

27 juin 2020
Beim außerordentlichen Kongress am Samstagmorgen fiel die endgültige Entscheidung, mit welchem Modus in der kommenden Saison gespielt wird. Am Ende wurde der Modus mit 12 Teams i...

AGE den 27. Juni

25 juin 2020
Um Samschden (27. Juni) steet am ALVISSE Parc Hotel eng weider AGE vun der FLBB um Programm. Zil vun dëser Versammlung ass et e Spillmodus fir déi kommend Saison 2020/21 ze wiele...

Wat mécht eigentlech d`Christine Fisher?

22 juin 2020
The next player in the category "Wat mécht eigentlech ...?" is Christine Fisher. She played in Luxembourg for many years and also played for the national team. Where are you at...

Duane Johnson second professional player for Arantia (highlight-video)

20 juin 2020
Arantia has announced that Duane Johnson will come over from Black Star Mersch and play in Larochette in the upcoming season (in fact he signed a 2-year-deal). He will be the se...

Amicale adds Christian Cunningham (highlight-video)

19 juin 2020
Amicale Steinsel has added Christian Cunningham as a professional player for the upcoming season. He lastly played in Iceland in the past season, you can take a look at a highlight...

Racing announces return of Ney, addition of Scholtes and final roster for the upcoming season

19 juin 2020
Racing Luxembourg has been very active this off-season. After adding Bob Melcher and Max Hilger earlier, the club announced that Sam Ney will return from retirement and Chris Schol...

Bascharage adds Ndiaye

19 juin 2020
Nationale 2 team Hedgehogs Bascharage has added Aziz Ndiaye who lastly played for N2-team Wiltz. Next to Greg Logins (who stays with the club) and Scott Morton (who joins from Raci...

Racing adds Jordan Giles (highlight-video)

18 juin 2020
Racing Luxembourg has added Jordan Giles for the upcoming season as a professional player. Racing announced earlier that they will only play with one professional player next s...