On Sunday, the Musel Pikes women were able to beat Gréngewald 55:51. It was the 4th game of the women's Total League this weekend and the only Sunday game.
In a low scoring ga...
On Saturday-evening, all 6 games were played in the men's Total League while 3 games were played in the women's Total League
Musel Pikes - Arantia 64:75
- The Pikes only playe...
After the Nationale 2 started with a full game-day on Friday, the Total League starts this Saturday with a full game-day in the men's league and 3 games in the women's league.
Lescht Saison war bei den Dammen um leschte Spilldaag vun der regulärer Saison den Taschenrechner gefrot. Eng ganz Rei vun Ekippen konnten sech nach fir d'Play-offs qualifizéiere...
D'Nationalspillerin Magaly Meynadier gett mat Nördlingen an eng wéider Saison an der däitscher Bundesliga. D'Virbereedung ass de Moment amgang: „Mir hunn spéit ugefang mam Tr...
AB Contern has found a replacement for German player Léonie Edringer (she suffered a season ending injury in pre-season) with Rachel Howard. Howard already played for Contern betw...
Bad news in the pre-season for Leonie Edringer and her team AB Contern. The German professional player suffered a ACL injury in their test game against T71 and will be out for th...
We take a look at all off-season changes in the Total League (women and men) so far in an overview.
We take a look at every team and list the “arrivals/extensions“ as well a...
9 teams play in the women's, 12 teams play in the men's Total League. This means that 21 head coaches will sit on the benches to start the 20/21 season in 2 weeks. Let's take a loo...
Fir d'Lisa Jablonowski huet d'Profikarriär an Italien ugefang. Aktuell ass d'Nationalspillerin an der pre-season voll am Training.
„Eigentlech gesäit mäin Alldaag relativ l...
D'Fraen vum Gréngewald spillen bekanntlech des Saison am Euro-Cup mat. Allerdéngs gouf wéinst dem Covid-19-Virus elo vun der FIBA entscheet, d'Matcher em ronn 2 Méint ze verré...
Alex Louin will play another season for Gréngewald Hueschtert. The former player of the team hit an epic buzzer-beater in 2019 to win the title for the "greens" but did not play w...
Am Hibléck op nächst Saison hunn insgesamt 88 Spillerinnen an Spiller en Transfert bei en anere Club gemaach. Dobäi kommen nach 9 "prêts", déi komplett Iwwersicht kënnt Dir o...
Résidence Walfer huet um Mëttwoch-Moien matgedeelt, dass 4 Spillerinnen d'Dammenekipp fir nächst Saison vertärke wäerten.
D'Lea an d'Emma Colbach kommen vun Hiefenech, d'Lina...
Traininger sinn amgang, Trainingsmatcher hunn och ugefang an d'Clibb präparéieren sech aktuell op d'Saison 2020/21, déi an engem Mount ufänkt. Natierlech bleift d'Situation wé...
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