On Sunday, both Etzella teams (women and men) were able to earn victories. While the women beat T71, the men won against Racing.
Etzella - Racing 93:68
- Harrell scored 30 poi...
Before the start of the “play-down“, Arantia Larochette announced that the club has added Ar'Mond Davis as second professional player. Adarius Avery left the team because of pe...
On Saturday-evening, the first 2 games in the play-offs were played.
Heffingen - Musel Pikes 73:77
- Musel Pikes win their 10th game in a row.
- Holland, Buntic and Kox all ha...
Um Freiden-Owend huet sech d'Sparta Bartreng zum Optakt vun der Op- an Ofstigsgrupp mat 90:80 géint Résidence Walfer duerchgesat. Den Amerikaner Jarvis Williams huet mat 34 Punkt...
On Friday-evening, the first game was played in the “play-down“. Sparta hosted Résidence Walfer. In the end, the home-team won the game 90:80.
You can see the game stats o...
Um Freiden geet et lass an der Op- an Ofstigsgrupp an der Total League. An dëser Liga trieden erëm 4 Ekippen aus der Total League géint 4 Ekippen aus der Nationale 2 un, dobäi ...
Den Thomas Grün huet um Mettwoch-Owend mat Tréier auswärts zu Tübingen mat 94:74 gewonn. An 19 Minutten huet de Lëtzebuerger 6 Punkten, 5 Assists, 3 Rebounds, 1 Steal an 1 Blo...
T71 announced on Tuesday-evening that the club will keep both head-coaches for another season. In fact, Ken Diederich (men) and Andrea Haris (women) have signed a new contract for ...
We take a look at the key facts and stats of the semi-finals in the men's category.
Best scorers (JICL)
Malcolm Kreps - 17
Jairo Delgado - 14
Tom Konen, Luka Buntic - 13
Och um Sonnden goufen an der Coque vill Fotoen gemaach, op rtl.lu kann een insgesamt 211 Fotoen vun den 2 1/2-Finallen gesinn.
Link -> FOTOEN_RTL_1/2_Finallen_Sonnden...
The Musel Pikes and Etzella will compete in the final of the cup-competition in the men's category. On Sunday, Etzella came up victorious against Résidence Walfer, the final score...
In a very intense semi-final-game, the Musel Pikes were able to beat Basket Esch 81:76 and advanced to the final in the cup competition.
Esch had a strong start into the game, b...
Eis Lëtzebuerg Nationalspiller waren allebéid an der 2. Liga an Éisträich am Asaz. Wärend den Alex Laurent 100:59 géint Mistelbach gewënnt, huet den Oliver Vujakovic 60:84 g...
Um Freiden-Owend gouf de Coupe-Weekend an der Coque mat de Finallen an der Coupe FLBB lancéiert. Dobäi hunn sech Hiefenech (bei de Fraen) an East Side Pirates (bei den Hären) de...
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