Besser spät als nie: In Düdelingen scheint der Knoten mit dem Einzug ins Play-off endlich geplatzt zu sein. Mit dem Sieg gegen die Sparta Bartringen schafften Joé Kalmes und sei...
On Wednesday-evening, 2 rescheduled games will be played in the women's LBBL while one game is scheduled in the promotion and relegation group.
19:00 Résidence - Gréngewald
The 23rd game day in the men's National 2 was played this weekend.
League leader Gréngewald Hueschtert was not allowed to open the celebration bottles this weekend despite a 83...
The play-offs 2021/22 started with the game between the number 1 seeded team Sparta and the number 8 T71 Dudelange on Saturday afternoon. And the result was immediately a surprise ...
3 games were played in the women's LBBL on Saturday. All 3 games were close, but the game in Walferdange was the most exciting one as Tatsiana Likhtarovich hit a game-winner to lea...
Ben Kovac and his team Den Helder Suns are 0:3 in the Elite Silver cross boarder phase after losing at home against Limburg on Saturday, the final score was 70:85.
Our national ...
Im Viertelfinale der LBBL kommt es zu mehreren Duellen auf Augenhöhe, dennoch wagt LW-Redakteur Bob Hemmen einige Prognosen.
--> Artikel (+)...
Direkt nach der Pokalwoche geht es auch in der Meisterschaft in die heiße Phase. Vorgesehen war es schon länger, nach zwei Corona-Jahren und angepassten Spielplänen feiert das P...
After an amazing cup week, it is time for the men's play-offs to start this weekend!
In fact, it is the first time that we will see the new play-off format (picture) with matchu...
Déi traditionell Journée Nationale du Basket fënnt dëst Joer den 03. Abrëll 2022 zu Diddeleng am Centre Sportif Hartmann statt.
Well den 3x3 ëmmer méi ee grousse Stellew...
In the second game of the Elite Silver cross boarder phase, Den Helder lost 72:85 in Belgium against Liège. Ben Kovac had another strong scoring performance as he led his team wit...
Auf diesen Moment hat die Escher Familie lange gewartet: Die Freude und die Emotionen kannten nach dem Ertönen der Schlusssirene keine Grenzen. Für die Biever-Brüder Joé und Pi...
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