After the opening first game-day in the women's and men's LBBL, a double game-day is coming up!
After these games, the standings on Sunday evening will show a first picture how ...
Ben Kovac and his team Den Helder Suns have lost their second game to start the season. Against Yoast, Den Helder was overpowered and lost 57:84.
National team player Kovac led...
Iwwerraschend ass och déi däitlech Néierlag vun der Etzella géint d'Sparta.
Am nationale Basketchampionnat steet de Weekend een duebel Spilldag um Programm. E Freideg war et...
On Wednesday-evening, Gréngewald played the second game of the EuroCup qualifiers against Banco Sardegna Sassari from Italy. The first game in Italy ended with 67:85 loss for the ...
Lisy Hetting had a spectacular shot at the end ot the third quarter in the EuroCup against Banco Sardegna Sassari from Italy. Her 3-point-shot-attempt went in off the backboard. ...
Die Basketballer aus Stadtbredimus kassieren im zweiten Saisonspiel die zweite Heimniederlage. Die Defensive bereitet dem Trainer Sorgen.
Artikel --> Die Musel Pikes stecken fr...
This Wednesday, the women-team of Gréngewald Hueschtert will play the second game of the duell against the team Banco Sardegna Sassari from Italy. The game will start at 19:00 in ...
The women's key facts and stats of game-day 1 are presented by our partner Spuerkeess.
Scorers (non-professional players)
Laura Henket (18)
Nadia Mossong (17)
Emily Leid (1...
The men's key facts and stats of game-day 1 are presented by our partner Spuerkeess.
Scorers (non-professional players)
Pit Biever (24)
Philippe Gutenkauf, Lou Demuth (18)
Der 26. September 2021 wird zweifelsohne in die Geschichtsbücher des Telstar Hesperingen eingehen, denn am vergangenen Sonntag durfte der letztjährige Aufsteiger seinen ersten Si...
Philippe Gutenkauf and newly acquired professional player Mallory combined for a spectacular alley oop dunk 15 seconds into the first game of the season for Etzella Ettelbruck. ...
Dan Mantz zählt zu den größten Nachwuchshoffnungen Luxemburgs. Nach dieser Saison könnte Conterns Eigengewächs den nächsten Schritt gehen.
Artikel --> Artikel (...
The National 2 season started with a double game-day. After the first week-end, Gréngewald, Mondorf and Zolwer remain unbeaten.
On Sunday, Mondorf won 92:88 against BC Mess beh...
Magaly Meynadier and her new team Saarlouis Royals have lost the opening game of the season. After losing in the cup competition last week (against Magaly's old team Nördlingen), ...
With Telstar's victory over Steinsel on Sunday-evening, the first game-day in the men's LBBL was finished. While the 5 road teams won their game before Sunday's game, Telstar was a...
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