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D’Zuschauer sinn zeréck an der Hal (Fotoen vum Robert Strauss)

17 mai 2021
D'Zuschauer sinn zeréck an der Sportshal! Um Sonnden waren um Match Fiels - Contern fir d'éischte Kéier des Joer (2021) nees Supporter um Match, hei e puer Andréck op de Foten ...

Men’s key facts and stats presented by Spuerkeess (game-day 21)

17 mai 2021
The men's key facts and stats of game-day 21 are presented by our partner Spuerkeess. Scorers (non-professional players) Christopher Jones - 23 Mike Feipel, Pit Biever, Luc ...

De Pitt Koster am Portrait (RTL Rebound)

16 mai 2021
De Pit Koster vu Sparta Bartreng, deen aktuell seng leschte Saison spillt, am Portrait am RTL Rebound. Reportage RTL Rebound --> Reportage Pitt Koster am RTL Rebound...

Video-Reportage vum Dammematch Musel Pikes – Résidence Walfer (RTL Rebound)

16 mai 2021
D'Damme vun der Musel hunn déi zweet Halleffinall gewonnen an domat fält d'Decisioun an enger drëtter an decisiver Partie. De Reportage vum Match op kënnt Dir hei kucken...

Contern beats Arantia as Mantz and Besch come up big / Supporters are back in the gym

16 mai 2021
In the first game with supporters in 2021, Arantia hosted AB Contern on Sunday-afternoon. In a high-speed game with plenty of 3-point-shot-attempts, Contern was able to celebrate a...

Highlight-video: Luc Kirpach with the fancy pass to Elcheroth

16 mai 2021
Luc Kirpach, captain and also team manager of Arantia's men team, had a great night against Contern, he scored 17 points and also had this fancy assist in the second quarter to Elc...

Fotoen vum ausseruerdentleche Kongress vun der FLBB

16 mai 2021
De Robert Strauss vun RTL, deen ganz Saison iwwer flott Fotoen vum Basketchampionnat mécht, war och um ausseruerdentleche Kongress vun der FLBB e Samschden-Moien fir Fotoen ze maa...

Highlight-video: Sticky and Pwono connect on alley-oop dunk

16 mai 2021
National team Philippe Gutenkauf (Sticky) and Henry Pwono connect on an alley-oop dunk against Heffingen. ...

Highlight-video: Philippe Arendt celebrates his dunk in style

15 mai 2021
Philippe Arendt steals the ball, goes coast-to-coast for the two handed dunk and celebrates his play with his teammates. ...

Saturday-recap: Jordan Hicks returns to Esch / Etzella qualifies for semi-finals

15 mai 2021
4 games were played in the men's Total League on Saturday-evening. Heffingen - Etzella 71:91 - Etzella qualifies for the semi-finals, they will finish the season on place 1 or...

Men’s Total League will continue with 12 teams / 150 supporters allowed in the gyms starting this Sunday

15 mai 2021
On Saturday-morning, the extraordinary general assembly of the FLBB was organized in Beringen. The main subject was the vote by the clubs for the upcoming season in the men's T...

Hicks fühlt sich in bekannter Umgebung pudelwohl ( +)

15 mai 2021
Er ist wieder da: Jordan Hicks verstärkt Basket Esch. Am Samstag kam er gegen die Musel Pikes zum Einsatz und überzeugte auf ganzer Linie. Samstagabend, 18.42 Uhr in Stadtbred...

Video-highlights: Top 5 plays of the decisive game 3 between the Musel Pikes and Résidence

14 mai 2021
Here are the top 5 plays of the decisive game 3 between the Musel Pikes and Résidence Walfe in the women's championship semi-finals. ...

Résidence qualifies for the finals after thrilling finish in decisive game 3

14 mai 2021
The decisive game 3 of the women's semi-finals-series between the Musel Pikes and Résidence Walferdange was played on Friday-evening. In the end, it was a thrilling finish in the ...

2 more game-days to go in the men’s Total League

14 mai 2021
This weekend, game-day 21 will be played in the men's Total League. With 2 more game-days on the schedule, the 6 play-off teams are known. However, those teams will try to get the ...
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