On Saturday evening, one game was played in the women's LBBL to finish game day 19.
Les Sangliers Wiltz - Gréngewald Hueschtert 72:82
- Gréngewald continues its perfect seaso...
On Friday evening, the double game in the men's LBBL started with game day 19.
Sparta Bertrange - Basket Esch 76:75
- Sparta improves to 8:11 and earns big points in t...
It is time for a double game day in the men's LBBL. On Friday and Sunday, some decisions could fall in the play-off race and in the fight for the best play-off seedings.
AB Cont...
On Tuesday evening, one game was played in the women's LBBL.
AS Zolwer - Basket Esch 43:98
- Zolwer remains winless (0:16), Esch has a 4:11 record after this victory
- 6 Esch-...
À 25 ans, après deux années plombées par les blessures, l’arrière ettelbruckois, qui vient de signer à Yoast United, veut vraiment lancer sa carrière pro.
--> article (...
Successful debut fir Ivan Delgado with his new club Yoast United in the Netherlands. In a 90:59-victory over Limburg, Delgado played 20 minutes and scored 14 points, 3 rebounds, 3 ...
Es ist eine Saison mit Höhen und Tiefen, die die Arantia Fels derzeit erlebt. Mit einer ausgeglichenen Bilanz von neun Siegen und neun Niederlagen bewegt sich der letztjährige Ha...
2 games were played in the men's LBBL on Sunday to finish game day 18.
Mambra Mamer - Basket Esch 76:80
- Esch improves to 12:6, Mamer's record drops to 6:12
- Thomas Grün re...
On Saturday evening, game day 18 started in the men's LBBL with 4 games.
Musel Pikes - AB Contern 86:97
- Contern has a 10:8 record after this win and improves its position in...
In the men's National 2, game day 17 was on the schedule on Saturday evening.
Behind 31 points and 12 rebounds by Tylik Evans, AS Zolwer was able to grab a 91:73 road victory in...
Our U16 girls played the MEL tournament in Slovakia (Kosice) over the last days.
Coaching staff:
„The girls lose all 4 games in a strong international tournament. They gain...
Game day 18 is on the schedule this weekend in the men's LBBL.
After a key victory on Wednesday, AB Contern can make if a perfect week with another victory on the road against t...
Dass sich Geduld auch auszahlen kann, diese Erfahrung macht derzeit Christopher Jack. Der 25-Jährige hat in dieser Saison nicht nur den Durchbruch beim T71 Düdelingen geschafft, ...
Alfonzo McKinnie schaffte es aus der Nationale 2 in die NBA. Auch Spieler wie Jarmar Gullley, Evan Bruinsma oder Shavon Coleman spielten zu Beginn ihrer Profikarriere in Luxemburg,...
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