Due to the Covid-19-virus, 2 games that were scheduled this week have to be postponed.
The game in the men‘s National 3 between Préizerdaul and Musel Pikes B that was schedu...
All basketball games that should be played in Wiltz this Saturday and Sunday are cancelled. Due to technical difficulties with the baskets in the gym, no game can be played in the ...
The 1/4 finals were drawn in the Cup FLBB on Friday-morning.
Racing - Black Star
Nitia - Zolwer
Heffingen - Telstar
Kordall Steelers - East Side Pirates
Men: ...
The 1/16 finals in the cup competition were drawn, here are the matchups in the women's and men's competition.
WOMEN (Lalux Ladies Cup)
Schieren (+10) - Sparta
Black Star - ...
The season 2021/22 is coming closer. The first games are scheduled for the 24th/25th of September. Right now, most teams have started the preparation and are trying to get ready.
The 2021/22 calendar was updated. Because our women will compete in the main qualification, the national team will also play in windows during the season, the window will be early ...
Nationale 2 team Kordall Steelers has announced that all JICL players stay on board for next season and Lazar Lukic joins the team, he lastly played for Mamer (N2).
English version below
No Récksprooch mat de Clibb huet d`FLBB d'Entscheedung geholl, dass et an der Saison 2020/21 keen Op- an Ofstig wäert ginn an der Total League, Nationale...
Nationale 3 team Wiltz has added Dakota Zinser as a professional player for the upcoming season. Zinser played 4 years at the Atlantic Plam Beach University before playing one seas...
Traininger sinn amgang, Trainingsmatcher hunn och ugefang an d'Clibb präparéieren sech aktuell op d'Saison 2020/21, déi an engem Mount ufänkt. Natierlech bleift d'Situation wé...
De Spillprogramm fir nächst saison ass eraus! Bei den Hären spillt de Champion Esch géint Steesel um 1. Spilldaag, bei den Dammen spillt de Champion Etzella géint Walfer.
After the new modus was voted by the clubs on Saturday, all clubs finally know where they will play in the upcoming season. Let's take a look at the overview of the teams for the u...
Beim außerordentlichen Kongress am Samstagmorgen fiel die endgültige Entscheidung, mit welchem Modus in der kommenden Saison gespielt wird. Am Ende wurde der Modus mit 12 Teams i...
Am 27. Juni werden die Basketballclubs endgültig über einen neuen Spielmodus für die kommende Saison - und darüber hinaus - abstimmen. Entscheiden können sich die Clubs zwisch...
Den Heng Pleimling erkläert am Video, wéi d'Saison 2019/20 bewäert gëtt.
Am Resumé bei den Hären:
Total League Hären:
Champion: Basket Esch
Ofsteiger an d'Nationale 2: ...
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