Daily dribbling drills by coach Majdi (Musel Pikes)

Verschidden Jugendequippen trainéieren momentan dobaussen. Anerer trainéieren doheem mat Videoen oder aneren Appen vir un hiren Skills ze schaffen.

Den Anan Majdi, den Jugendtrainer vun den Musel Pikes huet een Video gemaach, wou een säin Ballgefill verbesseren kann.

Some youth teams are currently practicing outside ( Outside practices are in trend for young players ), others are practicing at home by using videos or special apps to work on their game.

Anan Majdi, the youth coach of the Musel Pikes has published dribbling drills to work on at home, take a look at the video here and try out the moves at home.

Wat the video here –> Coach_Majdi_drills_Video

Par FLBB , le 19/12/2020 à 23:25
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