Dutch basketball league will continue on January 16th / Kovac: „No more excuses not to practice »

Déi Hollännesch Basketliga wäert den 16. Januar weider goen. Nodeems d’Liga wéinst dem Covid-19 Virus ënnerbrach gouf, gouf e Samschdeg decidéiert wéini erëm ugefaange géif ginn. All d’Resultater wäerten annuléiert ginn an d’Saison wäert bei 0 ufänken mat just enger Ronn déi gespillt gëtt.

De Ben Kovac a seng Equippe Den Helder Suns kënnen erëm normal trainéieren vir sech op den Start virzebereeden.

« Et war eng schwéier Zäit vir eis déi lescht Wochen (bal 2 Méint), well mir just a Gruppen vun 4 duerften trainéieren. Mä soulaang mir trainéieren a spillen kënnen, ass jidfereen zefridden. Ech hat mega Chance, dass ech mat der Nationalequippe an der Bubble trainéieren a spille duerft an esou d’Méiglechkeet hat vir 5 géint 5 ze spillen. Momentan ass d’Intensitéit um Training mega héich, well jiddereen erëm mega motivéiert ass ënner normalen Konditiounen ze trainéieren an ze spillen. Mir sinn an enger gudder physescher Konditioun, well mir zwee Mol den Dag trainéieren an amfong ni richteg opgehalen hunn ze traineieren. Mir haten dës Woch een « Beep-Test » a jiddereen war besser wéi an der Pre-season. Mir freeën eis all drop am Januar erëm kennen ze spillen. Et gi keng Excusen méi vir net ze trainéieren, mir wäerten och den 31ten an den 1ten Januar trainéieren, vir prett ze sinn wann et lass geet. Déi eenzeg Deeg wou mir net trainéieren ass den 24ten, 25ten an 26ten, well vill vun eise Spiller hier Famill schonn laang net méi gesinn hunn, esou dass mir kënnen heem goen. »

Dat eenzegt Negatiivt vir dem Ben seng Equippe ass, dass si am Ufank vun der Saison zwee Matcher gewonnen hunn, déi elo net méi zielen.

Den Ben Kovac war den eenzegen professionellen lëtzebuergeschen Spiller, deen déi lescht Wochen net konnt trainéieren a spillen. All eis aner Spiller an Däitschland, Italien an Eisterreisch hunn hier Saison ouni Supporter weider gespillt.

The Dutch basketball league will continue on January 16th. After the league was shut down over the last weeks because of the Covid-19-virus, the decision for the restart was taken on Saturday. All game results so far will be deleted and a new season with only one round will start.

Ben Kovac and his team Den Helder Suns can restart practicing under normal conditions in order to prepare for the restart.

„It was a difficult situation for us over the last weeks (nearly 2 months) as we were only allowed to practice in groups of 4 players. As long as we can practice and play basketball, everybody is happy. I was extremely lucky to be able to practice and play with our national team during the bubble because we were allowed to play 5on5. Right now, intensity in practice is extremely high as everybody is fired up to play and run under normal conditions. We are definitely in good shape because we practice twice a day and never really stopped practicing. We had a « beep »-test this week and everybody was better than before the start of the season which was great to see. We are looking forward to playing again in January! There are no more excuses not to practice, we will have team practice on 31st of December and 1st of January in order to be ready for the restart. The only days without practice will be 24th to 26th, some of our players have not seen their family for months now so that we are also all happy to spend some time at home. »

The only negative aspect for the team is that their 2 victories to start the season will not count.

Kovac was the only luxembourgish professional player who was not able to practice and play basketball over the last weeks. Our other players in Germany, Italy and Austria continued the season without supporters.

Par FLBB , le 20/12/2020 à 09:41