Esch beats Telstar 76:64

In a rescheduled game, Basket Esch grabbed a road win on Thursday-evening by beating Telstar 76:64.

Telstar had a great start thanks to Jefferson who scored 15 points in the opening period including a buzzer beating 3-pointer (video). Esch was the stronger team moving forward and slowly built a lead over the next minutes. Despite the absence of Pit Biever and Denilson Fonseca, Esch had multiple options on offense and dominated this game in the second half, the guests led by 20+ points early in the 4th quarter.

Clancy Rugg had a monster game with 27 points and 19 rebounds, Joé Biever (16), Alex Rodenbourg (10) and Jordan Hicks (13) were in double digits as well.

Esch jumps to the second place in the standings with a 10:3 record, Telstar’s record drops to 4:9.

Before the game, the cup semi finals were drawn:

Women’s semi-finals (Lalux Ladies Cup)
Amicale – T71
Basket Esch – Résidence Walfer

Men’s semi-finals (Loterie Nationale Coupe de Luxembourg)
Arantia – Etzella
Basket Esch – Telstar

The games will be played in early February in the Coque.

Par FLBB , le 16/12/2021 à 21:36