Finals’ x-factor Jo Hoeser might have a very different role next season

Jo Hoeser was the x-factor of the 2020/21 finals. As a 6th man, Hoeser scored 12.5 points per game in just over 21 minutes per game on the floor.

Playing next to next to players like Schumacher, Muller and professional players, Hoeser has found his role in the team: „I did not have to focus on scoring as my role in the team was to bring energy into the game of the bench, mostly by playing defense. I was able to take profit of the opponent’s defense as they sent 2 defenders at other players and then I was able to cut to the basket for a layup or I was open at the 3-point-line. Jimond, Stephen and Frank were able to find me and I scored the ball, Tom kept telling me to take the shots which gave me confidence. I learned over the course of this season to move without the ball, to create space for other guys or to get free myself. Our roles were clearly defined and I think that is what made it possible for our team to finish the season as the champs.“

Next season will be a totally different story in Dudelange. Tom Schumacher and Frank Muller have retired, T71 has already added Joe Kalmes, Philippe Arendt and Christopher Jack. Coach of the team will be Denis Toroman. Hoeser will stay with the club: „I talked to Kevin (Moura) and some of the young guys and it was an easy decision to continue to play at Dudelange. » His role within the team might change: „My focus will be to improve on defense and for the rest, I will have to see what my role will be. We will have a new team with talented players and our new coach will have the job to give a role to everybody on the team. »

Hoeser is a versatile player, he has led the Nationale 2 in scoring (JCIL players) a few years ago and now he has shown that he can be a great role player as well so that it will be interesting to see how the x-factor of this year’s finals will play in the upcoming season.

Par FLBB , le 23/06/2021 à 14:28
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