FLBB SKILLS CHALLENGE 2024/25 for U12 and U14 players

The FLBB is organizing a « Skills Challenge » for the U12 and U14 boys’ and girls’ categories.

There are three selection stages planned:

In the South: in Esch-sur-Alzette, on Sunday, October 27, 2024.
In the Center: in Walferdange, on Saturday, November 2, 2024.
In the North: in Wiltz, on Sunday, November 3, 2024.

It is important to note that a player can only participate in one selection stage.

The four best scores per category and gender will be selected for the final, which will take place at the Arena de la Coque before the Women’s international match against Switzerland on November 10, 2024.

All finalists will be invited to attend this match with a guest of their choice.

A ranking of the best scores by category and gender will be posted on the federation’s website on Monday, November 4, along with the names of those qualified for the final.

The winners will have the exceptional opportunity to attend a high-level Basketball game in Europe.

We encourage coaches to actively prepare U12 & U14 players for the events within your clubs.
The challenges are available in both paper and video formats, attached.You will also find the flyer.
You can register now for the selections via this link or by scanning the following QR code:

You can find all information, explanations and the videos on the attached document.

Par FLBB , le 30/09/2024 à 11:00