Game day 9 on Saturday

Game day 9 is on the schedule in the women’s Enovos League on Saturday.

The game day will start early on the afternoon with Contern hosting Bertrange in a game where the hosts look to draw even in the standings with the opponent. Another key game will be played in Dudelange, T71 and Amicale are tied with a 5:3 record in the standings. League leader Gréngewald is the heavy favorite to grab a win on the road in Wiltz while the Musel Pikes are looking for a first victory against Basket Esch.

On Saturday:
14:30 AB Contern – Sparta Bertrange
18:00 T71 Dudelange – Amicale Steinsel
18:00 Musel Pikes – Basket Esch
19:00 Les Sangliers Wiltz – Gréngewald Hueschtert

The standings:

Team Record Points
Gréngewald Hueschtert 8:0 16
Sparta Bertrange 6:2 14
T71 Dudelange 5:3 13
AB Contern 5:3 13
Amicale Steinsel 5:3 13
Sangliers Wiltz 2:6 10
Basket Esch 1:7 9
Musel Pikes 0:8 8


Par FLBB , le 20/11/2024 à 20:19
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