Ken Diederich: „We are motivated and ready to play »

D’Qualifikatiounsmatcher vir eis Hären Nationalequipe kommen ëmmer méi no. Momentan ass d’Equipe matzen an der Virbereedung vir d’Matcher géint Island (26.11) an géint d’Slowakei (28.11).

Déi momentan COVID-Situatioun bréngt awer gläichzäiteg e puer Froen mat op den Dësch. D’Nationalequippe gëtt 3x iwwer déi nächst Deeg getest. « Mir wëllen an d’Slowakei fueren an do och compétitiv sinn, obwuel een momentan nach net kann soen, ob mir iwwerhaapt kënnen fueren. Dofir mussen mir als éischt d’Tester ofwaarden ».

Am Video vun der Press-Konferenz e Freideg, seet de Ken och, dass d’Equippe virun e puer Méint ganz no un enger Victoire dru war, an den Moment probéiert de Rhythmus erëm ze fannen. « Mir wëllen compétitiv sinn an sinn immens motivéiert dës Matcher ze spillen ».

Vir den Head coach vun der Nationalequippe ass et kee Problem, dass verschidden Spiller d’Preparatioun wäerten verpassen. « Mir wëssen wat den Bem, Alex, Thomas an Olivier zur Equippe kënnen bäidroen, si kennen mech, si sinn eis Leaderen. Ech gesinn kee Problem, dass si réischt méi spéit derbäi kommen ».

The qualification games for our men’s national team are coming closer. Right now, the team is in the middle of their preparation for the games against Iceland (26.11) and Slovakia (28.11).

The current situation around the Covid-19-virus puts some questions to the table. Our national team will be tested 3 times over the next days. „We want to drive to the Slovakia and compete, but first, we need to wait what the test results will be, a departure to the Slovakia is still not completely sure » says national team head-coach Ken Diederich.

In the video (press-conference from Friday-evening), Diederich also points out that his team was very close to a victory a few months ago and now the team wants to find its rhythm in their preparation. „We want to compete and we are motivated and ready to play the games. »

For the national team’s head coach, it is not a big problem that some of our professional players will miss the preparation:„We know what Ben, Alex, Thomas or Oliver bring to the table, they know me and they are our leaders. I do not expect it to be problematic that these guys will join the team later.! »

Pictures of the press conference and team practice –> Pictures of the press conference and team practice

Par FLBB , le 15/11/2020 à 20:25
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