Laurent, Dukes win top game against Graz (stats)

Alex Laurent and his team Klosterneuburg Dukes played against UBSC Graz on Saturday-evening. It was the top game between 2 teams that were ranked second and third in the standings with 16 points apiece before the game. In the end, Klosterneuburg won the game 104:95.

In a close game, Klosterneuburg managed to take a small lead in the second quarter of the game, but the opponent Graz came back in the second half. However, Klosterneuburg was able to come up with a 9-point-victory in the end.

Our national team player Laurent finished the game with 11 points and 3 rebounds in 29 minutes.

Klosterneuburg improves its record in the standings to 10 wins and 3 losses this season.

game stats –> game_stats_Laurent

Par FLBB , le 26/12/2020 à 20:52