The refresher clinic was organised at the National Sports Centre Coque in Luxembourg City, with 55 referees and nine commissioners of the top-tier TOTAL League and second division National II taking part in it.

The two-day clinic included a theoretical and a physical test, being completed by several lectures and Nakic supervising a women's and a men's TOTAL League game.

The referee instructor pointed out the excellent technical conditions in Luxembourg and was satisfied with the level of officiating in the top league: "There is a lot of good material."

His lectures revolved around modern officiating and the characteristics of the referee's job, using up-to-date technologies and tools to become the best decision maker with a diplomatic feel for the game.

The main topic on Friday was the lead position, the most important area close to the basket with lots of contacts. Nakic talked about the importance of taking the right position as a referee in order to oversee the area and gave advice on how to avoid cross calls.

Saturday's seminar was about verticality and the necessity for a referee to recognise who entered in whose cylinder. All lectures were underlined by video examples.

Nakic concluded his presentations with a discussion about the importance of a good commissioner's job, with time control and substitution problems being talked over in particular.

Par FLBB , le 17/02/2014 à 14:12
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