Women’s season preview

8 teams will compete in the highest women’s league in the upcoming season that will start on September 21st.

Some things have changed in the women’s league compared to last season. First of all, the number of teams is reduced to 8 and therefore also a new game mode will be used.

All teams will face each other 3 times during the regular season (qualification and phase 2) before the semi finals and the play-down will start. One team will relegate to the second league.

The favorites

National team head coach Mariusz Dziurdzia notes that the main favorites „remain the same two teams with Dudelange and Gréngewald », however, the top teams seem to be much more balanced this season. „5 teams can be considered the favorites to enter the semi finals. Together with last year’s two finalists, Contern, Steinsel and Bertrange have a very competitive roster and should have the ambitions to play on top of the league standings. Esch, the Musel Pikes and Wiltz are a liitle weaker in my opinion. All in all, I expect the league to become more competitive and I think that the number of close games will increase compared to last season. »

The main roster changes

While Gréngewald and Dudelange remain the favorites, their rosters have changed during the off-season. Dudelange has a new coach, JICL league MVP Ehis Etute has left Luxembourg to play and study in the United States, Nadia Mossong has ended her career and Mandy Geniets moved to Steinsel. However, Dudelange is looking to compensate these departures after bringing back Svenia Nurenberg, by adding Lauren VanKleunen (who joined from Gréngewald) and with the full integration of Isi Etute who was part of the women’s roster last season. Arguably the biggest off-season move has been Esmeralda Skrijelj, she left Steinsel to join AB Contern. Nadine Bourg is another key addition for the team of coach Fabienne Fuger. Amicale Steinsel was able to add Mandy Geniets which allowed to the team to compensate the departure of Esmeralda Skrijel. Cathrin Wolff decided to join Sparta Bertrange and Bridget Yoerger will continue her career so that the team should stay competitive as it was in 2023/24.

Meanwhile, only 2 teams have made a change to replace the head coach: Dejan Pavlovic (Basket Esch) and Mathieu Fivet (T71 Dudelange) are new in their role.

No more EuroCup

Gréngewald Hueschtert and T71 Dudelange will not continue to play in the EuroCup. „Obviously I would have liked to see both teams continue to compete in that competition. All players that compete in these games make a big step forward in their development. However, I can also understand the financial situation and the problems or challenges that a participation in an international competition produce.

JICL MVP candidates

2 time JICL MVP Ehis Etute will play and study in the United States which leaves the door open for other players to make a run at the JICL MVP trophy. „I think that the same players as last year will be in the discussion. Esmeralda Skrijelj is always in the list with her strong overall game, Lisy Hetting will be effective for Gréngewald and I hope that Catherine Mreches will return to her best possible shape. Isi Etute is capable of averaging a double-double and to having multiple stand out performances and I would not be surprised if she enters the MVP discussion.“

Preparing the November window

Mariusz Dziurdzia and the national team will be challenged in November ( details and dates –> National teams will be in action in November, February and May ). „All players that are in Luxembourg will practice with us on Mondays. We have a big challenge coming up in 2 months and I hope that we will all be at our best and healthy. I will look at the development of certain players, especially our young players. Isi Etute and Isa Hämäläinen have played strong during the U18 European Championship. I expect Isa to have a much bigger role in Steinsel this season and then we will see how both of them can help the national team in November and moving forward. For our experienced players and players abroad, finding a rhythm and staying healthy will be the keys over the next months.“

Poll on what’s app

In our WHATSAPP COMMUNITY / click here to join , people were invited to vote for the favorite in the women’s championship. At this moment, T71 Dudelange received the most votes to win the 2024/25 championship title.

Game day 1

Saturday (September 21st)
18:00 T71 Dudelange – Gréngewald Hueschtert
18:00 Musel Pikes – Amicale Steinsel
18:30 AB Contern – Basket Esch

Sunday (September 22nd)
18:00 Les Sangliers Wiltz – Sparta Bertrange

Par FLBB , le 08/09/2024 à 21:00