Going from the Nationale 2 in Luxembourg to the NBA via 3×3

The story of Alfonzo McKinnie has been told around the world. He started his professional career in Luxembourg with the East Side Pirates (Nationale 2), went to Mexico, played for TEAM USA at the 3on3 world championship, continued in the NBA G-league and finally earned a NBA-contract with the Toronto Raptors. After one season, he played for the Golden State Warriors and at this moment (January 2020), he is a member of the Cleveland Cavaliers.

However, it can be said that his time and experience on TEAM USA has helped him promote himself as a player. Another possible dream could be made possible by the 3-on-3 … there are discussions that the sport will be played at the Olympics one day, another big goal for Alfonzo McKinnie as he explains in the video.


Par FLBB , le 20/12/2019 à 20:00
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