Men’s key facts and stats – game day 14

The key facts and stats of the 14th game day in the men’s LBBL 2022/23 are presented by our partner SPUERKEESS.

Scorers (JICL players)
René Wolzfeld – 21
Bob Melcher – 20
Davide Grün – 17
Noah Medeot – 15
Yannick Verbeelen – 14
Jonas Theisen – 13
Ben Hurt, Oliver Vujakovic, Derek Wilson – 12
Yann Wolff – 11
Max Logelin, Mike Feipel – 10

Scorers (NON-JICL players)
Clancy Rugg – 37
Alex Reese – 34
Devonte Patterson – 33
Clayton Guillozet – 32
Jamison Overton, Marquill Smith – 28

Best rebounders (all players)
Steven Julian, Clancy Rugg, Marquill Smith – 16
Devonte Patterson, Grant Dressler – 13
Trevond Barnes, Mike Feipel, Alex Reese – 12
Jamison Overton – 11
Derek Wilson – 10

Best passers (all players)
Patrick Arbaut – 8
Ben Hurt – 6
René Wolzfeld – 5

Stats and facts around the league
– The league is now on a short winter break and will continue on January 7th.

You want to see highlight-plays from the women’s and men’s LBBL and from our national teams? You can follow our new youtube channel and our instagram highlights page

Par FLBB , le 19/12/2022 à 11:18