Men’s LBBL returns, women’s play-offs continue

After a short national team break, the men’s LBBL returns with game day 21, the second last game day before the start of the play-offs.

Amicale Steinsel has the opportunity to secure the first place in the standings with a victory against T71 Dudelange. The guests from Dudelange added a new professional player in AJ Cheeseman before the decisive time of the season. The main question remains if Sparta Bertrange or Mambra Mamer can grab the final play-off spot. If Sparta grabs a win this weekend and Mamer loses, the team from Bertrange enters the play-offs.
A lot of possibilities remain for the places 3-8, multiple teams have the opportunity to grab a home court spot for the quarter finals. At this moment, Résidence Walfer and Etzella Ettelbruck hold the best cards in the race for places 3 and 4.

20:00 Amicale Steinsel – T71 Dudelange
20:00 Arantia Larochette – Gréngewald Hueschtert
20:00 AB Contern – Basket Esch
20:30 Sparta Bertrange – Résidence Walfer

17:15 Etzella Ettelbruck – Mambra Mamer
18:00 Kordall Steelers – Musel Pikes

The standings:

In the women’s play-offs, game day 2 is on the schedule. After winning a thriller in the top game against T71 Dudelange to start the play-offs, unbeaten league leader Gréngewald has clinched home court advantage for the semi finals and finals (if they qualify). The main question will be if Amicale and/or Wiltz can make a push at the 4th place in the standings. Contern has the opportunity to draw even with Bertrange in a head-to-head meeting on Saturday.

20:00 T71 Dudelange – Amicale Steinsel

18:30 Sparta Bertrange – AB Contern
19:00 Les Sangliers Wiltz – Gréngewald Hueschtert

The standings:

Team Record overall Play-off record Points
Gréngewald 17:0 1:0 34
Dudelange 12:5 0:1 29
Bertrange 12:5 1:0 29
Contern 11:6 1:0 28
Steinsel 9:8 0:1 26
Wiltz 8:9 0:1 25








Par FLBB , le 29/02/2024 à 17:57
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