Noah and Mateo look forward to the cup final

After an exciting season up to the end, another highlight follows this Sunday for the U14 boys of Arantia Larcohette and Etzella Ettelbruck. Last weekend T71 could secure the championship in the decisive match against Racing, this weekend it’s all about the cup.

Larochette was still in the race for the championship until two game days left, while Etzella was able to surprise with their fighting spirit in the cup competition and is therefore deservedly in the final.

While Noah Wolter (Etzella) and Mateo McSwain (Arantia) going against each other this weekend, this is not always the case. Several times a week, the two students of the Sportlycée practice together with the national team and at school. Here is the assessment of the two:

Noah Wolter : « Mir kënne d’Coupefinall gewannen, well eist Team eng ongleeflech Wëllenskraaft huet. Dat hu mi och schonn géint Contern an géint de Racing gewisen. Bei deenen Matcher waren mir iwwer 15 Punkte hannen, mee mir hu net opgi an hu gewonne. An de Weekend wäerten mir och net opgi. »

Mateo McSwain: « Ech mengen mir kennen gewannen wann mir gutt zesummen spillen an esou mann wéi méiglech Feeler maachen. Natierlech dierfen mir de Kapp net hänken loossen wann et net esou soll lafen wéi mer et wënschen, net opginn a weider kämpfen, dann hu mir eng gutt Chance ze gewannen. »

Last weekend, Larochette could win their game against Etzella 54- 46. Can they repeat this or do we witness another surprise by Etzella?

Par FLBB , le 13/05/2022 à 06:08
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