Our men want to show a fast and aggressive playing style

Eis Hären spillen dës Woch géint Island (26.11) a géint d’Slowakei (28.11). D’Equippe vum Ken Diderich huet an den leschten Matcher mat engem immens séieren an aggressiven Basket konnten iwwerzeegen an sinn doduerch och ganz no un enger Victoire gewiescht wärend deenen 2 leschten Qualifikatiounsmatcher.

« De Spillraum vir sech Feeler ze erlaben ass immens kléng. Wann een och just 2 Minutten keen gudden Basket spillt, kann den Match eriwwer sinn », warnt den Trainer Ken Diederich. Am Groussen Ganzen ass hien awer zouversiichtlech, dass seng Equippe eng gutt Performance wäert ofliwweren, well d’Spiller « hongereg an motivéiert sinn ».

Wéi den Phillippe Gutenkauf bei der Press Konferenz gefrot ginn ass, wéi den Spillstyle vun der Equippe ass, huet hien gesot, » dass dat éischten Fokus vir d’Equippe wier vir schnell ze spillen. Mir sinn am Groussen Ganzen eng kleng Equippe an doduerch sinn eis Chancen ënnert dem Kuerf zimmlech limitéiert, wat heescht, dassen mir aner Weeër fannen mussen vir ze scoren. Mir mussen Turnovers generéieren an esou d’Chance op fast breaks erhéijen ».

Een aner wichtegen Aspekt vun der Equippe sinn 3er. « Mir mussen ob mannst 10 Schëss vu baussen treffen« , esou den Ken Diederich. Den 3er ass am internationalen Basket ëmmer méi wichteg ginn iwwer déi lescht Joren an et ass bal onméiglech ee Match ze gewannen wann een vu baussen net trëfft. « 3er ran ze maachen an 10 Turnovers ze forcéieren wäert ee gudde Mix sinn vir de Match ze gewannen », seet de Phillippe Gutenkauf een excellenten Shooter aus der Total League.

Déi éischt zwee Matcher huet d’Equippe awer vu baussen net esou iwwerzeegt an huet just 7 vu 40 Schëss konnten maachen. « Dat geet definitiv net duer. Et kann een keen Match mat der Trefferquote gewannen, mir mussen definitiv besser schéissen. », seet de Ken Diederich.

Our men’s national team will play against Iceland (26.11) and Slovakia (28.11) over the next days. The team of head coach Ken Diederich was able to inspire their supporters over the last games with a very fast and aggressive playing style, the team came close to earning victories in their last 2 pre-qualification games.

„The margin for errors is extremely small on this level. If you play poorly for 2 minutes, the game can be over », warns coach Diederich who is confident that his team can show good performances once again as the players are „hungry and eager to play.« 

Asked about their playing style over the last games, Philippe Gutenkauf said at the press conference that „the first focus of the team is to play fast. We are a small team overall, our chances under the basket are limited so that we have to find other ways to score. We need to use fast-break-opportunities to score as much as possible. Defensively, we need to force turnovers by being active.“

Another very important aspect to the team’s success is the 3-point-shot. „We need to make around 10 shots from outside » is the clear message by Ken Diederich. The 3-point-shot has become so important in international basketball over the last years that is nearly impossible to win a game without making the long range shot attempts. „Making 10 three-point-shots and forcing 10 turnovers will be a great mix to have success », says Philippe Gutenkauf who is an excellent shooter in the Total League.

In the first 2 games, Luxembourg struggled from 3-point-land, making only 7 out of 40 attempts. „Clearly not enough, of course. You can not win a game with these shooting performances, we need to be better » says coach Diederich.



Other articles about our men’s national team:
Pit Rodenbourg before the game Iceland: „Their big guy Hlinason is a very talented player”
Interview with Clancy Rugg: „It feels great to represent the country that I call home”
Interview with “rookie‘‘ Mike Feipel: „Malcolm and myself put the basketballs away after practice”
D’Nationalekipp preparéiert sech op d’Lännermatcher (Reportage op rtl.lu)
Pictures of the press conference and team practice

Par FLBB , le 25/11/2020 à 12:50
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