Plenty of possibilities on game day 22

The final game day of the regular season in the men’s LBBL is on the schedule on Saturday evening, some seeding decisions will fall on game day 22.

20:00 Mambra Mamer – Amicale Steinsel
20:00 Résidence Walfer – AB Contern
20:00 Musel Pikes – Arantia Larochette
20:15 T71 Dudelange – Kordall Steelers
20:30 Gréngewald Hueschtert – Sparta Bertrange
20:30 Basket Esch – Etzella Ettelbruck

The standings:

18:3 39
Etzella 17:4 38
Basket Esch 13:8 34
12:9 33
AB Contern 11:10 32
T71 Dudelange 11:10 32
Arantia  11:10 32
Sparta  10:11 31
Mamer 8:13 29
Musel Pikes 5:16 26
5:16 26
Kordall Steelers 5:16 26

What do we know before game day 22?

–> The 8 play-off teams and the 4 play-down teams are known
–> Amicale has locked the first place
–> Etzella has locked the second place
–> places 3-8 remain undecided

What remains possible?
–> Basket Esch can secure third place with a win or a loss by Résidence
–> Résidence can jump to third place with a victory and a loss by Esch at the same time
–> Plenty of tie-scenarios, including 4-team-ties (to determine places 4-7 or 5-8), remain possible depending on the outcomes of the games. In these tie-scenarios, all games of the regular season between the teams involved in the tie-scenario will be considered and the seedings will be be done accordingly. For example, Arantia Larochette could finish 5th or 8th depending on the outcomes of the games, Résidence can finish 3rd but also fall down to 6th place. It is nearly impossible to list every single possibility, stay tuned on Saturday evening to get the final ranking!

In the women’s play-offs, game day 3 is on the schedule.

10:30 Amicale Steinsel – Les Sangliers Wiltz
18:00 T71 Dudelange – Sparta Bertrange
18:30 Gréngewald Hueschtert – AB Contern

With only 3 game days remaining, some changes in the final standings before the semi-finals are still possible. Amicale Steinsel is the team that needs to put pressure on AB Contern. In a rare morning game (10:30), the team of coach Erny Gruskovnjak will face Wiltz. Dudelange and Bertrange are tied in the standings in second place, they will meet in a (probably) decisive head to head matchup to determine who will take the second place in the standings. League leader Gréngewald is looking to continue its perfect season at home against number 4 seed Contern.

The standings:

Team Record overall Play-off record Points
Gréngewald 18:0 2:0 36
Dudelange 13:5 1:1 31
Bertrange 13:5 2:0 31
Contern 11:7 1:1 29
Steinsel 9:9 0:2 27
Wiltz 8:10 0:2 26





 (Premium) –> Die Seuchensaison vergessen machen: Max Schmit und die Kordall Steelers wollen mit gutem Gefühl ins Play-down starten

Par FLBB , le 07/03/2024 à 20:59
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