Résidence and T71 grab wins

2 rescheduled games were played in the women’s second round of the LBBL season this Wednesday evening.

Résidence – Gréngewald 74:64
– The guests played without Cassandra Brown
– Résidence keeps its chances alive to finish the regular season second while Gréngewald is sure to enter the play-offs as the number 4 seed
– Kierra Anthony (21 points) and Amanda Cahill (20) led the hosts, Erin Mathias scored a game-high 28 points and added 14 rebounds
– Gréngewald took as many threes as 2-point-shots (37)

T71 – Basket Esch 67:61
– Mandy Geniets led T71 with 17 points, Nadia Mossong (13), Catherine Mreches (12) and Faith Etute (11) scored in double digits as well
– Tatsiana Likhtarovich led Esch with 19 points
– T71 improves its record to 23:1, Esch’s record drops to 10:14, the team will enter the play-offs as the number 7 seed

Earlier on Wednesday, the women team from Zolwer was able to celebrate promotion to the LBBL –> Zolwer promotes to the LBBL

Par FLBB , le 24/03/2022 à 06:39
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