Saturday recap in the women’s Total League

The season 2020/21 has officially restarted after 3 games were played in the women’s Total league on Saturday evening.

Gréngewald – Résidence 70:88
– Led by their duo Cahill (34/11) and Logic (22/15) , Résidence managed to play a strong game and come up with a convincing road-victory.
– Louin led the « greens » with 20 points, Lisy Hetting and Joy Baum added 14 and 10 points for the hoeme-team.
– Walferdange had 46 rebounds, Gréngewald only 25
game stats Gréngewald Résidence

AB Contern – Basket Esch 75:72
– Julie Mangen scored 21 points, Sommefield added 18 and Mathieu 15
– Likhtarovich led Esch with 20 points
game stats Contern – Esch

Sparta – Amicale 48:82
– Sparta will play the rest of the season without professional players.
– On both teams, all 10 players received at least 6 minutes of playing, 16 plaayers played at least 15 minutes.
– Snyder (amicale) has a game-high 26 points, Marsh led Sparta with 17
– Amicale has won its second game this season in 6 games, Sparta has lost all 5 games.
game stats Sparta Amicale

On Sunday, Etzella will host T71. Leader Musel Pikes does not play this weekend, they win the opening game last week against Etzella.

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Par FLBB , le 01/02/2021 à 21:14