T71 and Gréngewald will meet in the finals

The second game of the semi finals was played in the women’s LBBL on Saturday. The favorites from Dudelange and Gréngewald were able to win the series 2:0.

Sparta Bertrange – Gréngewald Hueschtert 80:84
– Gréngewald wins the series 2:0 and enters the finals against T71
– Jovana Jaksic and Martha Burse combined for 30 points in the first half and Sparta led 37:33 after 20 minutes
– Samantha Logic (35 points) and Lauren Van Kleunen (33) led the guests to this road victory

Résidence Walfer – T71 Dudelange 62:83
– T71 wins the series 2:0 and enters the finals against Gréngewald
– Mandy Geniets rolled her ankle in the first quarter and had to leave the game, Kierra Anthony could not play in this game (injury)
– T71 led 48:32 at the break, 5 players scored 9+ points in the first half for the guests
– Zykera Rice led the guests with 25 points, Michelle Dittgen added 17 points off the bench

The finals will be played in a best-of-5 series, T71 earns home court advantage in game 1 on April 15th.

Par FLBB , le 08/04/2023 à 19:47
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